Researchers found that the formation of egg shells relies on a protein found only in a chicken’s ovaries, according to The Sun of London.
Researchers found that the formation of egg shells relies on a protein found only in a chicken's ovaries, according to The Sun of London.
英国科学家在2010年就发现,要想形成蛋壳,必须要有一种蛋白质ovocleidin - 17 (oc - 17),而这种蛋白质只专属于鸡。
In 2010, a British scientist found that ovocleidin-17 (OC-17), an essential protein for the eggshell construction, was particularly in the body of the chicken only.
Therefore the first bird that evolved into what we would call a chicken, probably in prehistoric times, must have first existed as an embryo inside an egg.
The living organism inside the eggshell would have had the same DNA as the chicken it would develop into, he said.
Specifically the vital role played by a chicken protein in forming it.
Inside, there was a baby chicken. It jumped out of the shell and flew out the window.
The trait of eggshell strength was the highest in Green legs chicken.
Eggshell thickness, strength and yolk colour of dwarf layers were significantly better than those of normal layers.
The mechanical strength of blue eggshells from " Jiuyuan Black Fowls" is greater than non -blue eggshells from other chickens.
The mechanical strength of blue eggshells from " Jiuyuan Black Fowls" is greater than non -blue eggshells from other chickens.