• 一座座传奇式的城堡俯瞰小河蜿蜒曲折的河道。

    Romantic castles overlook the river's twisting course.


  • 蜿蜒曲折一直延伸良庄入口处

    The stone stairs stretches to the entrance of Liang Garden.


  • 木梳路段》蜿蜒曲折的山路形状梳子一样。

    The comb-shape road The zigzag road looks like a comb from afar.


  • 要求司机蜿蜒曲折山路安全速度行车

    Drivers are required to drive at a safe speed on the twisting roads in the mountain.


  • 大邑县中国游客蜿蜒曲折乡间大宅院中漫步

    In DAYI COUNTY, Chinese tourists stroll through the meandering courtyards of a rural mansion.


  • 非常敬佩那些每天勇气穿梭这些蜿蜒曲折的立交桥上的开车族。

    Kudos to the commuters who brave these winding routes every day.


  • 蜿蜒曲折西犹如一条翠绿飘带,堤上形态

    The winding and zigzagging west causeway is like a green ribbon, and the six bridges on it vary in patterns.


  • 蜿蜒曲折的延长象征经得起考验永久爱情

    Love lasts just like the pleated folds and long pendulum of this dress.


  • 实际上所谓太和峡谷就是干涸的、依蜿蜒曲折河道

    In fact, what is called the gorge means a run dry river course that zigzagged along the mountain.


  • 上海灵魂不在林立摩天大楼里这些蜿蜒曲折弄堂里。

    The spirit of Shanghai is not in the forest of skyscrapers, it is in the twists and turns of alleies.


  • 蜿蜒曲折钱塘江穿过浙西的崇山峻岭到这里之后,江面开阔、景色壮丽

    After winding through high mountain ridges of the western part of Zhejiang, Qiantang River becomes wider with a majestic scenery.


  • 蜿蜒曲折钱塘江穿过浙西的崇山峻岭到这里之后,江面开阔,景色壮丽

    After winding through high mountain ridges of the western part of Zhejiang, Qiantang River becomes wider with majestic scenery.


  • 蜿蜒曲折的小径带著你走向座灯塔,你可以从岩石上巡视威尔士的梅奈海峡

    A curvy footpath leads to a lighthouse looking over rocks to the Menai Straits in Wales.


  • 令人目眩起伏摇摆蜿蜒曲折迷宫,作为我们深层记忆视觉,体现质疑我们的人性

    This vertiginous contrast of the wavy zigzags way-in and way-out questions our humanity as the materialization of our innermost memory.


  • 鼓足勇气向下看去,看到村子中央广场看到蜿蜒曲折街道交错着通向这个广场。

    I saw the square in the centre of the village. And I saw the crisscross of twisting, turning streets leading to the square.


  • 鼓足勇气向下看去,看到村子中央广场看到蜿蜒曲折街道交错着通向这个广场。

    I saw the square in the center of the village. And I saw the crisscross1 of twisting, turning streets leading to the square.


  • 速度降下来这个详细红色赛车运动蜿蜒曲折道路具有开门躯干后置发动机

    Speed down winding roads with this detailed red sports car, featuring opening doors, front trunk and rear engine.


  • 公司咨询社区大使后派出专家培训当地居民绘制最佳路线穿过蜿蜒曲折大街小巷。

    The company sought advice from community ambassadors and then used experts to train locals to map the best routes through the twisty thoroughfares and alleyways.


  • 漫步蜿蜒曲折山谷之中,高耸山壁巨大的岩石往往会在人眼前形成天然视觉屏障

    When I took a walk along the zigzag paths up the hill, the towering walls and the huge rocks always produced a natural visual screen in front of me.


  • 鼓足勇气向下看去,看到了村子中央广场看到蜿蜒曲折街道交错着通向这个广场。

    I gathered all my courage and looked down. I saw the square in the center of the village. And I saw the crisscross of twisting, turning streets leading to the square.


  • 然后沿着现世与冥界蜿蜒曲折边沿漫步而去,尾巴飞快地摇着,尾溅起的泡沫跟在她的身后

    Then she wandered off, following a zigzag path along the border between Life and Death, her tail wagging so hard, the tip of it beat the river into a froth behind her.


  • 数不湖泊泥沼池塘遍布在图中的育空三角洲那些蜿蜒曲折分支无数血管包围着一个器官那样

    Countless lakes, sloughs, and ponds are scattered throughout this scene of the Yukon Delta. The river's sinuous, branching waterways seem like blood vessels branching out to enclose an organ.


  • 据说蜿蜒曲折曼德维尔峡谷山路上,肇事司机自行车故意急刹车,导致骑车者躲闪不及,撞上汽车

    The cyclists crashed into a car after its driver allegedly slammed on his brakes in front of them on Mandeville Canyon Road, a winding street through a hilly neighborhood.


  • 占地5英亩,绿荫遮映;有瀑布,还有蜿蜒曲折的小道;外加果树静心花园能够观看四周景色的网球场

    On approximately 5 verdant acres, the Beverly Hills estate features meandering pathways over Bridges and waterfalls, fruit trees, a meditation garden and a tennis court with viewing pavilion.


  • 清晨太阳火球般天空中闪耀,炽热空气蜿蜒曲折的油罐车队上空飘荡,那车队的尾巴消失在远方的山坡后面。

    The early morning sun was a blinding ball of fire in the sky, and the hot air shimmered as it rose off the long queue of fuel trucks that snaked the curve and disappeared over the rise beyond.


  • 为了拍摄那里日出时美丽景观,不得不夜里经过3小时长途跋涉,走过蜿蜒曲折乡村道路一脚浅一脚地到达那里。

    I had to travel three hours on very rural winding country roads in the dark, with steep drop-offs to get there for this opening shot of the day!


  • 生活宛如蜿蜒曲折的小径周围鲜花绽放彩蝶飞舞,美压枝。但是我们很多人却舍近求远,不惜费时去寻找幸福

    Life is like a winding path surrounded by flowers, butterflies, and delicious fruit, but many of us spend much time looking for happiness around the next corner.


  • 赫敏别无选择,只好跟在身边沿着蜿蜒曲折鹅卵石街道高高耸立店铺之上的座雪白的塔楼——古灵阁走去。

    Hermione had no choice but to fall into step beside him and head along the crooked, cobbled street toward the place where the snowywhite Gringotts stood towering over the other little shops.


  • 在爱达荷州,一条蜿蜒曲折的小溪缓缓流过这田园诗般的冬日景色树木灌木丛装点清新静静守候冰冷的小溪两旁

    Approaching a bend, an Idaho stream rolls through an idyllic winter scene. Trees and brush powdered with fresh snow flank the icy stream's sides.


  • 在爱达荷州,一条蜿蜒曲折的小溪缓缓流过这田园诗般的冬日景色树木灌木丛装点清新静静守候冰冷的小溪两旁

    Approaching a bend, an Idaho stream rolls through an idyllic winter scene. Trees and brush powdered with fresh snow flank the icy stream's sides.


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