• 蜿蜒流过湖南省一些美丽乡村

    The river snakes through some of the most beautiful countryside in Hunan province.


  • 安东尼奥蜿蜒穿过商业区中心;步行街,也就是PascodelRio这座城市受欢迎景点

    The river in San Antonio winds through the middle of the business district, and the River Walk, or Pasco del Rio, is the city's most popular attraction.


  • 始于多伦多湖畔沿11公路西北蜿蜒到达明尼苏达州边境安大略

    It starts on the Toronto lakeshore and winds its way northwesterly along Highway 11 to Rainy River, Ontario, at the Minnesota border.


  • 在幼发拉底底格里斯分为向南血脉搏动流入阿拉伯蜿蜒网处,泛滥平原地貌绵延了数千平方公里

    It sprawled across thousands of square kilometres of floodplain where the Euphrates and Tigris rivers divided into a network of tributaries meandering and pulsating south to the Arabian sea.


  • 最终到了西弗吉尼亚州波托马克附近,蜿蜒山路上方公里处发现一个孤立的小洞穴。

    I came upon a shack in an isolated hollow, four miles up a winding mountain road over the Potomac River in West Virginia.


  • 所有这些蜿蜒弯曲格兰卡门山脉一起对岸墨西哥向你招手

    All this with the meandering bend in the Rio Grande and the Sierra del Carmen beckoning from across the river in Mexico.


  • 亚马逊蜿蜒流过地球最后热带雨林之一

    This Amazon River tributary snakes through one of the last tropical rainforests on Earth.


  • 东岸运输线美国东部伊利湖蜿蜒德克萨斯州西部格兰德法国葡萄酒或者本地酒能运输过程中减少排放

    For those east of a line that zig-zags down from eastern Lake Erie to the Rio Grande in west Texas, drinking French wine or a local product lessens emissions from shipping.


  • 我们的农场下方伊利诺伊清澈碧蓝蜿蜒流过。

    Below our fields, twisting and winding, ran the clear blue waters of the Illinois River.


  • 莫比尔市北部一道蜿蜒曲折的乡村公路汤比格比之间坐落着簇密集的利旺卡色调的建筑群蓝绿色的海泡石图形,淡黄蓝色的沙灰。

    TUCKED between the Tombigbee river and a rural highway meandering north from Mobile sits a warren of huge buildings in Willy Wonka-colours: sea-foam blue and green, desert beige and mauve.


  • 城内,玉泉蜿蜒,穿梭古老民居间,的小路也是顺着玉泉,古老的房屋面朝玉泉的。

    In the town the Yuquan river winds in many streams across the town and past all the houses. The roads here are parallel to the streams, and the door of each house is facing a stream.


  • 亚马逊蜿蜒纵横,作为世界上流量最大,造就地球最大流域

    The forest is fed by the Amazon river, the largest river in the world by volume, which also has the biggest drainage basin on the planet.


  • 蜿蜒曲折地流经一些风景秀丽的乡村

    The river wanders through some beautiful country.


  • 澳大利亚清晨薄雾中,从西南方塔斯马尼亚潺潺流过的富兰克林蜿蜒的洛克群岛中穿行,张栩栩如生的照片中,自由流淌。

    Morning Mist, Rock Island Bend, Franklin river, Southwest Tasmania, Australia. This iconic photograph was instrumental in allowing the rivers to run free.


  • 蜿蜒向北奔流1047千米(651英里),穿过克拉科夫华沙波兰主要城市由格但斯克进入波罗的

    The river winds its way northward for 1,047 kilometers (651 miles), through major cities such as Krakow and Warsaw, to Gdansk Bay on the Baltic Sea.


  • 南北走向泛美公路太平洋之间蜿蜒流淌着廷格里里卡依偎畔的山谷比托斯卡纳(1),就是科尔查山谷。

    NESTLING beside the Tinguiririca river, between the north-south Pan-American Highway and the Pacific, the Colchagua valley is sometimes compared to Tuscany.


  • 默兹东部蜿蜒迂回,成为荷兰林堡省天然边界

    The river Maas meanders in the east - and forms the natural border with Dutch-Limburg.


  • 公园一边森林,有穿过林子,蜿蜒流淌。

    On one side of the park, there is a patch of trees through which a river winds.


  • 摩泽尔宁静乡间蜿蜒穿行160英里

    The Moselle winds through some 160 miles of tranquil countryside.


  • 生活静静的流淌总会遇到阻碍石头这时除了蜿蜒前进还有来路可退吗?

    Life is a river, in silent trickling, always meet and hinder the stone advanced, besides snaking at this moment, is there incoming road to retreat?


  • 铁尔蜿蜒在几十个长满了柳树沼泽小岛之间

    The river till strained among some score of willow-covered, marshy islets.


  • 两条山脉之间狭长的洼地,萨利纳斯蜿蜒曲折中间流过,最后注入蒙特雷海湾

    It is a long narrow swale between two ranges of mountains, and the Salinas River winds and twists up the center until it falls at last into Monterey Bay.


  • 古老马牧蜿蜒淌过,形成一个月牙般的弯道——月亮湾南岸个起伏相连黄土堆与之相望,三星堆”。

    In the southern bank of the river there was three little hills directed at the Moon Bay, so it was called "Three Stars Accompanying the Moon".


  • 经过小组基金会会见保存他们南下独木舟威斯康星州西南部一个通过的基卡普蜿蜒伸展方式加入密西西比州。

    After the group met at the Crane Foundation preserve, they headed south to canoe a stretch of the Kickapoo River that winds its way through southwestern Wisconsin before joining the Mississippi.


  • 蜿蜒于京城西北永定北京最大

    Winding its way through the northwest of Beijing, Yongding River is the biggest river in the city.


  • 一次野外旅行其它观赏蜿蜒康涅狄格漫无目的地沿着马路闲逛

    On a field trip, while everyone else was off looking at the meandering Connecticut River, I wandered off aimlessly down the road.


  • 从村外向的交叉处望去,便能看到一座座破败的用石头建成纱厂蜿蜒的马路向上盘旋,进入村庄就变成了一条条荒凉暗淡的石街

    Further on, beyond where the road crosses the stream, were the big old stone cotton mills, once driven by water. The road curved up-hill, into the bleak stone streets of the village.


  • 从村外向的交叉处望去,便能看到一座座破败的用石头建成纱厂蜿蜒的马路向上盘旋,进入村庄就变成了一条条荒凉暗淡的石街

    Further on, beyond where the road crosses the stream, were the big old stone cotton mills, once driven by water. The road curved up-hill, into the bleak stone streets of the village.


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