What was around the bend in rivers hundreds of millions of years ago?
Dishui Lake in the center and meandering waterways running around are for the purpose of flood controlling, drainage and landscape.
It is remarkably clear. It shows streets and factories and a winding river and docks and submarine pens.
The house stretches between two existing hills on the site; forming a threshold to the views of the meandering river and nature preserve beyond.
Together with exuberant forest, winding rivers and majestic waterfalls, China Danxia presents a resplendent natural picture.
但还没有人沿着非洲内陆那些蜿蜒的河流走过。他朝自个儿吹了声口哨这样做肯定会很疲劳, 但他一定要做。
No one had gone down the winding rivers of inner Africa. He whistled to himself it would be a weary experience, but he would do it.
All Narnia, many-coloured with lawns and rocks and heather and different sorts of trees, lay spread out below them, the river winding through it like a ribbon of quicksilver.
You aim at some astonishing peak or a swerve of the river, then examine the screen on the back of your digital camera. A rogue, blurring tree has dived across like a goalkeeper to block your shot.
Trees branch in a consistent way, leaves take their genetic form, rivers carve a sinuous route, snowflakes fall in their basic hexameter shape.
Flying at 15, 000ft in another aircraft that had bypassed the jet age, we saw a horizon of endless forests, mountains and snaking rivers, shaped by time and the forces of nature.
The forest is fed by the Amazon river, the largest river in the world by volume, which also has the biggest drainage basin on the planet.
Morning Mist, Rock Island Bend, Franklin river, Southwest Tasmania, Australia. This iconic photograph was instrumental in allowing the rivers to run free.
The winding rivers with sprinkling ripples reflect the tranquil street scenes.
Over the next 50 million years this co-evolution of flora and flow led to the meandering rivers we know today, and a barren landscape made lush.
He printed the black megaliths of Stonehenge in white snow; a shiny river winding like a white serpent, and a jetty in a lake resembling a giant black triangle.
There were two rivers went by country. One should be called stream which is nearer, through a bamboo wood is the other which is turbulent.
Love rivers have wound the life, only then sees sweetheart's fisherman wharf.
Instead of dancing on complex diagrams and arcane language, real strategy is application of common sense in a thick forest of meandering and hypothetical paths.
We sat on a bench overlooking the river, high up, with the railway bridge to our right and the river winding down round a big curve to our left.
On and on they flew, over countryside parceled out in patches of green and brown, over roads and rivers winding through the landscape like strips of matte and glossy ribbon.
This limestone country is laced with underground rivers and when the jungle roof caves in, it creates these enormous sinkholes.
There it ran winding before his gaze, shining brightly in the clear light, between the undulating banks on the right and the tall, tree-covered heights on the left.
It was so beautiful, especially a long river walk around the city.
Turbulent rivers plunge from volcanic heights to meander through endless tracts of pristine jungle.
This one depicts one river winding its way to the ocean. The brilliant colours are a result of mineral deposits picked up by the glacial waters as they flow towards the sea.
Through analysing deeply the reason of forming the sinuous river on Mayi River, this paper puts forward controlling the measures of visiting the sinuous river on Mayi River.
Through analysing deeply the reason of forming the sinuous river on Mayi River, this paper puts forward controlling the measures of visiting the sinuous river on Mayi River.