昨天,在美国化学协会的一个会议上,DrNeilDaCosta 发表了他关于血腥玛丽的研究,说:“这是一种很复杂的饮料。”
Dr Neil Da Costa, who presented his research on the Bloody Mary at a meeting of the American Chemical Society yesterday, said, "It's a very complicated drink."
Which is not a bad idea, in fact, bloody mary. Bloody marys all around!
Now scientists believe they have cracked the secret of how to make the perfect Bloody Mary.
The Bloody Mary is thought to have been invented in the 1920s in a Paris bar.
The drink is thought to have been invented at the New York bar in Paris in the early 1920s.
It is an important ingredient in a Bloody Mary (vodka, tomato juice and Worcester sauce).
'The Bloody Mary has been called the world's most complex cocktail, and from the standpoint of flavour chemistry, you've got a blend of hundreds of flavour compounds that act on the taste senses.
That odyssey took me from the land of free pizza to a Sunday-morning paradise of bagels and bloody marys.
Bloody drinks: Bloody drinks don't necessarily have to be alcoholic. We all love Bloody Mary, but this beverage isn't for kids.
The classic version of the drink combines vodka and tomato juice with a splash of salt, pepper, Worcestershire sauce and lemon juice.
From cleaning jewelry to fighting stubborn stains, vodka has many handy USES — other than pepping up your Bloody Mary!
The scientists turned up plenty of antioxidants, as well as a few bartending tips.
To find out the Bloody Mary’s secret, researchers shared one with a chromatograph, which identified the various compounds that contribute to the drink’s flavor and bouquet.
So scientists at the national meeting of the American Chemical Society in Anaheim raised a glass. (Or a beaker.)
Others argue for a hair of the dog, in particular something including a fruit juice and a little bit of spice which is why a Bloody Mary is often cited as a popular choice.
The chemicals in a Bloody Mary are 'highly unstable' - and its quality tends to deteriorate quickly because of the acids in the tomato juice, he said.
And it's crucial - they say - to drink it within 30 minutes to prevent the complex mix of chemicals that give the drink its refreshing kick from breaking down.
ABSTRACT: This article lists several cocktails which have storys behind, such as Bloody Mary, Margarita, Manhattan, Brandy Alexander and so on.
In Auteil, he would convene with his friends in the Little bar of the Ritz every race day at noon and while the bartender made Bloody Marys, they would study the race forms and make their selections.
A mix of tomato juice and vodka, along with lemon or lime, horseradish, Tabasco and Worcestershire sauces, black pepper and celery salt, the Bloody Mary packs a punch.
To find out the Bloody Mary's secret, researchers Shared one with a chromatograph, which identified the various compounds that contribute to the drink's flavor and bouquet.
Worcester sauce is a flavouring used in many dishes, both cooked and uncooked, and particularly with beef. It is an important ingredient in a Bloody Mary (vodka, tomato juice and Worcester sauce).
Dr Neil da Costa, who presented his research on the Bloody Mary at a meeting of the American Chemical Society yesterday (TUE), said: 'It's a very complicated drink.
Dr Neil da Costa, who presented his research on the Bloody Mary at a meeting of the American Chemical Society yesterday (TUE), said: 'It's a very complicated drink.