• 行政法治实现需要一系列制度保障

    Putting rule of administrative law into execution needs a series of regulations to safeguard.


  • 消极功能积极功能相统一行政法治

    The fifth one is the unified administration of law between pessimistic and optimistic functions.


  • 行政公开我国实现行政法治一项重要任务

    The administrative openness is an important mission to realize administrative rule of law in our country.


  • 平等权行政法治共同构成平等原则的理论基础。

    The equality right & rule of administrative law construct the theritical fundation.


  • 功能行政法治理论实践中起举足轻重作用。

    This function plays a decisive role in the theory and practice of rule of administrative law.


  • 行政法治实现当然也行政道德建设前提基础

    So the realization of the rule of law on administration certainly must take the construction of administration morals as the premise and the foundation.


  • 抽象行政行为纳入行政诉讼受案范围符合现代行政法治精神

    Taking abstract administrative behavior into the scope of administrative litigation accords with the spirits of modern administrative rule by law.


  • 当然行政法治行政执法领域行政法学理论研究提供了空间

    This surely leaves some space for the study on the field of administration of rule of law and administrative performance in the administrative law theory.


  • 从而一定意义其他规范性文件成为行政法治进程中的羁绊

    Thus, to say on the certain meaning, other norm document becomes the fetter of the progress of administrating according to law.


  • 行政法治核心在于行政控制尤其是行政自由裁量权的控制。

    The core of rule by law in administration lies in the control of administrative right, especially in the control of administrative discretionary power.


  • 如何正确理解行政公开重要意义理论研究需要更是行政法治实践的需要。

    How to understand the significance of administration publicity properly is not only the need of fundamental research, but also the need of practice in rule of law.


  • 通过制定相应行政程序法控制行政权力保护公民权利成为行政法治的必然趋势。

    To control administration power and protect civil right through setting down an administrative procedural law became the need of administration by law.


  • 人们高校身份处分权认识不足高校管理行政法治缺失是造成这一现象的主要原因。

    It mainly results from people's lack of awareness of fight of status and the absence of rule by law in the management of college school.


  • 信息公开美国联邦行政程序法重要组成部分,也是美国世界行政法治贡献

    As a significant contribution of the United States to the world administrative rule of law, freedom of information is an important part of the Federal administrative Procedural Act.


  • 行政法律文化行政法治灵魂一个国家行政法律文化,直接影响该国行政法治水平

    Administrative law culture is the soul of the administration by rule of law and one country's administrative law culture has a direct impact on its level of administration by rule of law.


  • 抽象行政行为进行有效的监督正是一个国家实现行政法治重要标志因此必要对其加以深入研究

    And which is a most important sign for a country to achieve administrative legality: So it is necessary to sight into it.


  • 行政诉讼类型化有助于公民诉权切实维护行政法治进程推进,因而是一国行政诉讼变革核心问题。

    And it can help to the effectively safeguard of the citizens' appeal rights and the advance of the administrative nomocracy process, which is the core of a State's administrative litigation change.


  • 本文第三部分域外行政法治发达国家行政规范性文件监督模式进行介绍,并总结可供借鉴的监督模式。

    This article describes the third part of the rule of law in developed countries extraterritorial administration regulatory documents and supervision of model summarized for reference model.


  • 行政立法制度实施控制行政法治基本要求其中通过程序设置行政立法进行过程控制尤为必要

    To control the administrative legislation is the basic requirements for rule by law, among which the establishment of procedure becomes especially necessary.


  • 非权力行政方式行政实务存在一些现实问题特殊矛盾,须行政法治原则积极采取措施加以妥善解决

    There remain some special contradictions and practical problems to the solved, and they ought to be solved by means of taking measures according tot…


  • 税务行政赔偿税务行政法治建设的重要内容。税务行政赔偿主体范围方式程序等是目前需要完善的内容。

    The taxation administrative indemnity is the major content of the taxation administrative laws. Its entity, scope, form and procedure need improving at present.


  • 设立行政相对人行政创意有助于弥补行政法治价值平衡行政法治主体拓宽行政法治客体实现行政法治内容

    To establish the private party's right of administrative creation helps to remedy the value of administration by law, balance its subjects, broaden its objects and realize its content.


  • 我国在入世议定书已经承诺行政规范性文件将予以公开,因此,加入WTO以后成为行政法治中的一个重要问题。

    We have promised to put the executive standard document into public in the contract for the entry into WTO.


  • 但是作者看来制约我国行政复议制度作用发挥和行政法治建设进程重要因素之一就是行政法属性平衡认识。

    But for author, it's just the equilibrium theory that be one of the most important factor restricting the progress of ruling by law.


  • 我国法律优先原则得到运用体现监督机制存在诸多缺失与不足,亟待进一步改进完善,以充分发挥原则在我国行政法治实践中的应有作用。

    In our country, The principle of law priority has already been used and reflected, but its supervision mechanism has a great deal of disappearances and deficiencies. So, we demand urgently...


  • 我国行政法学界新关注热点问题。

    To administrate colleges and universities in accordance with law is a hot topic in the field of administrative law in China.


  • 我国行政法学界新关注热点问题。

    To administrate colleges and universities in accordance with law is a hot topic in the field of administrative law in China.


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