David Westin resigned as President of ABC News after 13 years, saying he will seek opportunities outside of the Walt Disney Co. network.
The Prince of Wales will cut travel costs by using a personal friend's private airplane for an official visit to the US, his spokesman says, BBC reported Friday.
In an interview Monday with ABC television, Gates called the row a "complex issue." different.
"It means a lot, especially me growing up reading time magazine, and you know, it's a very important magazine, and I've been lucky enough to be on the cover many times this year," he said on NBC.
"I have been a professional clown for 34 years now but this is ruining my business," Fudgie the clown, a professional children's entertainer from New Jersey, USA, told the BBC.
杨在接受美国广播公司新闻网采访时表示:“为了比赛,我必须早上很早出发。” 她补充说道,参赛者们被巴士载到犹他州的沃萨奇山脉,这里是比赛下坡路段的开始。
"I had to leave really early in the morning for the race, " Young told ABC News, adding that therunners were taken by bus up the Wasatch Mountains in Utah, to the start of the downhillcourse.
That's often the response Angela Hult gets when people find out she's an only child, she told ABC News.
Separately, Apple CEO Tim Cook AAPL -2.50% tried to quell investor concern about his company's performance in China by emailing CNBC host Jim Kramer Monday to say that business was doing just fine.
Separately, Apple CEO Tim Cook AAPL -2.50% tried to quell investor concern about his company's performance in China by emailing CNBC host Jim Kramer Monday to say that business was doing just fine.