• 一方面,许多被迫乘客遭受气候变化影响尽管他们自己这个问题几乎没有责任

    On the flip side, there are many "forced riders", who are suffering from the climate change impacts despite having scarcely contributed to the problem.


  • 许多卖家都是被迫

    Lots of sellers are forced.


  • 购买类似安全居所这样生活必需品被迫

    Their purchases of necessities like safe lodging are forced.


  • 不仅股票买家明显心不在焉很多抛售的人也是被迫

    Not only are buyers of stocks conspicuously absent, but much of the selling is forced.


  • 不能假装学习被迫或者存在,或者存在。

    This is something that cannot be feigned, learned, or coerced-it either exists or it does not.


  • 国家投入大学资金吝啬而且被迫的(来自水清流浅,感谢!!)

    State funding to universities is mean and under pressure.


  • ‘刚开始可能觉得拥抱被迫很快就会成为发自内心的行为。’

    'the hugs may start out feeling forced, but they soon become genuine.'


  • 尼采兴趣地方在于这种被迫社会化有一特殊效果个人关系与天性的。

    Now what Nietzsche's most interested in here is one particular effect of this forced socialization namely a change in the individual's relationship to his instincts.


  • 尽力去为周末活动制定感到开心又充实计划,而不是疲惫被迫的计划。

    Make an effort to plan your weekend activities with events that leave you feeling content and fulfilled, not frazzled and imposed upon.


  • 他们不必同意那个律师辩护被告也是被迫情况而为之的,那么目击者们呢?

    Would they not have to fall in line with the defense, that the defendants had acted under a power of compulsion that also extended to them, the witnesses?


  • 构成幸福大要素一样,人们常常认为友谊应该自然的产生。努力开始一段友谊是不真实的是被迫

    As with many aspects of happiness, people often assume that friendship should flow easily and naturally, and that trying to "work" on it is forced and inauthentic.


  • 被迫情形下,增发起来像是一个罪犯“被逼供类似”(“类似”严重稀释股权)。

    At times of duress, they can sound suspiciously like a mobster's "cough up or else" (" or else "meaning severe share-dilution).


  • 通常表示“散居在外(diaspora)”希伯来“gola”意味着被迫流亡(exile)。

    The Hebrew word that usually refers to the diaspora, gola, implies forced exile.


  • 有时病人家属也是被迫因为他们担心如果的话,医生就会打麻药或者缝针的时候粗心大意来报复他们

    Sometimes they feel compelled to give money because they worry that otherwise the doctor will retaliate by giving them too little anesthesia or stitching them up sloppily.


  • 随着Van Natta填补空缺增加忠诚员工,更多MySpace主管离开,不管是自行还是被迫的

    More MySpace execs will soon be leaving, voluntarily or not, as Van Natta fills the gaps and adds loyal lieutenants.


  • 8月24日费尔南德斯女士公布了一个报告,报告声称Papel Prensa公司原先的所有者于1976年将其出售被迫

    On August 24th, Ms fernandez unveiled a report claiming that Papel Prensa's previous owners were forced to sell it in 1976.


  • 为了确保来往匆匆路人总是被笑脸相迎,这家公司所属的十五个地铁站安装带有特殊探头摄像机,以此评估公司员工的微笑服务,尽管这些笑容被迫

    The firm has installed cameras with special scanners at 15 of its stations to measure employees’ smiles, ensuring that hurried commuters are always greeted with a grin, however forced.


  • 他们最后被迫屈从恐怖分子的要求

    They were finally forced to capitulate to the terrorists' demands.


  • 改变了主意声称被迫承认的。

    Ray changed his mind, claiming that he had been forced into confessing.


  • 被迫以前敌人寻求帮助

    He was forced to turn for aid to his former enemy.


  • 这些银行被迫承担那些巨大损失

    The banks would be forced to absorb large losses.


  • 小组被迫返回采用替代路线

    His group was forced to turn back and take an alternate route.


  • 我们被迫重新部署我们兵力

    We were forced to redeploy our forces.


  • 毫无疑问,被迫违心地离开家人的。

    No doubt he was forced to leave his family against his will.


  • 被迫苦苦哀求孩子一条生路。

    I was forced to plead for my child's life.


  • 为了医疗家人被迫求助医疗补助署。

    For her medical care, the family was forced to turn to Medicaid.


  • 他们被迫撤销了建筑校舍计划

    They had been forced to scrap plans for a new school building.


  • 经过长时间包围这座孤城被迫投降

    After a long siege, the town was forced to yield.


  • 财政大臣被迫狼狈地承认经济政策存在失误。

    The Chancellor was forced into a humiliating climbdown on his economic policies.


  • 矿工被迫工作条件满心愤慨

    She was filled with indignation at the conditions under which miners were forced to work.


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