• 第十六法官公众场合新闻媒体上,不得发表有损生效裁判严肃性权威性评论

    Article 16. A judge should refrain from giving any comments in public or to the media, which is detrimental to the seriousness and authority of a valid judgement.


  • 澳大利亚媒体报道法官宣读对裁判现年39岁阿桑奇面表情

    The Australian reported that Assange, 39, "showed no emotion when the judge issued his verdict."


  • 法官保证其被行使目的是为了裁判公正行使必须遵循合法、合理、经济公开原则

    The judge should ensure that discretionary power be exercised for a fair decision and its exercise must follow the principles of legality, reasonableness economy and publicity.


  • 法官仪式文化法槌、法袍、裁判风格要素构成统一体

    The ceremonial culture of judges is a unity constituted by elements of the instrumental culture of judges the style of judgements, exc.


  • 裁判篮球运动的重要组成部分,是篮球比赛法官

    Referee is important component of basketball. He is the judge in the basketball game.


  • 裁判事实认定主体是人,法官律师裁判中的不同地位,会裁判事实真实性产生不同程度的影响。

    Judges, lawyers for the different status in the referee to the referee facts veracity and the influence of different level.


  • 设置回避制度为了确保当事人裁判信任,保障法官公正无偏地作出裁判

    To set up challenge system is to ensure the litigant's trust in the judge, and the judge's impartial judgment as well.


  • 传闻证据规则一项旨在保证证人出庭保障法官做出正确裁判实现程序公正司法公正的重要制度

    The hearsay evidence rule is important system aimed at assurance the witness appears at court, and guarantee the judge do right judgment and realize procedure justness and judicature justness.


  • 法官裁判一方面外在根据更多的是内在理由影响。

    The judges decision is based on the exterior cause, but it is more influenced by the inner cause.


  • 法官只有保持张弛之间合理限度才能创造裁判美妙篇章

    Only by keeping the reasonable limits between tension and relaxation, a judge can create a wonderful chapter of his judgment.


  • 法官司法过程裁判案件决非法律条文案件事实简单对号入座,只有一些极其简单的案子才能如此。

    However, a magistrate judge in the judicial process, the case law is not a simple cap fits with the facts of the case. Only some cases can be extremely simple case.


  • 通过裁判文书,法官不仅当事人表明判决合法性而且也向社会证明司法的公正性

    Through the adjudicative document, the judge not only manifests the legality of the judgment to the parties, also manifests the impartiality of jurisdiction to the society.


  • 事实认定法律适用前提,也是法官裁判基础

    Finding of fact is the precondition of application of law and foundation of judicial judgments.


  • 裁判规范法官司法过程中,根据个案情况结合法律规范旨在解决争而创设个别规范。

    It is an individual norm created by judge according to the condition of the concrete case and combining with legal norm, aiming at resolving the dispute in the process of judgment.


  • 公正判决基于兼顾外在根据内在理由两方面做出的,法官裁判必须注重内在理由的构建。

    The justice is based on both the exterior cause and the inner cause. The judge must be intent on the inner cause when he decides.


  • 日本法院规定最高法院法官必须裁判书上表示自己意见

    The court law of Japan prescribed that the judges of the supreme court shall express their opinion in judgment.


  • 法官并不是以案件事实本身作为裁判依据而是以被证明案件事实状态作为裁判依据。

    Judge does not take the referee basis by fact itself, but by the fact condition which proved.


  • 司法裁判法官运用法律性思维得出结论性判断

    The judicial adjudicate is the conclusion judgement that the judge draw from the legal thinking.


  • 法官法律职业共同体中的裁判,是司法过程中的重要主体

    The judge is referee of legal professional community, is the important subject in the judicial process.


  • 法官根据法律想象出一些事实——这些事实存在与否案件裁判具有重要意义,经过询问、调查形成案件事实。

    Another, judges according to the law sense, imagine some facts-the presence or absence of which is very importance to judgment, by asking and inquiring which forms law case.


  • 法官自由裁量权存在人们预测裁判结果增加了不可预测性因此行使需要正当化理由

    The presence of the judge discretion to judge the results it predicted an increase of unpredictability, so the need to justify the exercise of reason.


  • 证据裁判原则要求法官应当依据证据认定犯罪事实

    The principle of evidentiary adjudication requires judges to find the facts of crimes in accordance with evidence.


  • 法官职责就是通过司法过程事实法律相连接裁判案件实现正义

    The role of judges through the judicial process and will be linked to the facts and the law, the magistrate cases, the achievement of justice.


  • 再审程序生效判决裁定发现具有法定的情形而进行再次审理一种特殊程序,其目的是为了纠正裁判中存在错误法官审理时所实施违反法定程序的行为。

    The retrial procedure, a special procedure rehearing the verdict and judge which has been taken effective, is to correct the error of the judge or the violation of legal procedure of the judge.


  • 人民期待根据法官权威判断使纠纷得到解决,法官做出裁判必须建立合理客观的事实和规范基础之上。

    The people's expectations under the authority of judges to judge the dispute be resolved, the judge made the decision must be based on reasonable and objective on the basis of facts and norms.


  • 再有,对法官如何行使裁判权也从程序启动运作角度进行了论述;

    Next comes how to use the jurisdiction on the angle of procedural initiation and operation.


  • 民事诉讼活动事实推定作为法官认定案件事实一种裁判方法,其应用范围法律推定更为广泛

    As a measure of judging the facts in issue, the presumption of fact is practiced more widely than presumption of law in judicial areas.


  • 为了克服法律自身缺陷,实现司法判决结果公正法官司法裁判过程中进行法律解释就成为当然选择

    It is certainly the choice for the judge to interpret legally in the course of his or her judicial judgment in order to overcome the shortcomings of the laws and keep the justice of the jud.


  • 我国传统刑事裁判模式中,法官依靠国家强制力作出裁判无须征得双方被害人一致同意,这种裁判模式在司法实践中存在诸多的弊端。

    In China's traditional criminal judicial pattern, judges make judgments based on the compulsory force from the state without the consensus of the accused, the defendant and the victim.


  • 我国传统刑事裁判模式中,法官依靠国家强制力作出裁判无须征得双方被害人一致同意,这种裁判模式在司法实践中存在诸多的弊端。

    In China's traditional criminal judicial pattern, judges make judgments based on the compulsory force from the state without the consensus of the accused, the defendant and the victim.


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