"It shows there is a lot of healthy competition in the international defence community," he said, comparing the display of military hardware to China's first spacewalk in September.
He displays fire fighters' equipment, including the oxygen mask, which he encourages his listeners to play with and put on.
Ruby Reyes shows off her devil dog, Estrellita. The female Chihuahua is feeling naughtier than usual, judging by the outfit.
"Individuals are hesitant to show off their wealth yet," he added. "Also, all the foreign yachts are very sophisticated and complicated technology."
On the Seattle stop of her voyage, Ms Durrie showed your correspondent her outfitted truck.
Apparently, in the museum's collection displayed many technic specimens that Russia can boast of. Try to guess, which kind of equipment the museum is devoid of?
Listing 8 shows a class that aggregates instances of classes equipped with export methods.
The next article shows you how to create four scripts against SQL SQuirreL: three specific tasks and one shell to aggregate those tasks.
An adjacent room houses installations of early movingpicture techniques.
The longest demo was a 3DS version of Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater.
这里并没有尝试展示您可能找到的所有装备,我们将只创建两个输入字段 —一个用于装备名称,另一个用于装备计数:<inputname='newitem' /> newcount' />。
Rather than try to lay out all the items you might ever find, we create two input fields — one for the name of the item and one for the item count: <input name='newitem' /> newcount' />.
Underground offices in Japan are being equipped with "virtual" Windows and mirrors, while underground departments in the University of Minnesota have periscopes to reflect views and light.
我们带着她们展示 球场 一些基本的东西:如何掌握发球时间、如何使用 练习场、如何购买装备、如何准备服装、洗手间在哪里等等。
Our orientation takes them through the club and shows them the basics: how to get a tee time, how to use the driving range, what equipment to buy, what they should wear, where the rest room is, etc.
A multimedia short film, the 'song of victory for casting the sword', is played on the LED screen to display the achievements of our army in equipment building. (running time: 8 minutes, repeatedly).
Army cover the main branches of the military professional, the Navy, the Air Force will demonstrate some new weapons and equipment.
Then the technical facilities were demonstrated, this jeep is called "Tiger".
Outfitted by andres Pastor, the trio get an interesting makeover that showcases Nike sportswear juxtaposed with traditional African masks and textiles.
Outfitted by andres Pastor, the trio get an interesting makeover that showcases Nike sportswear juxtaposed with traditional African masks and textiles.