A matador in Spain against the background of the jigsaw puzzle!
SPANISH matadors kill bulls in the ring; the Portuguese put them down after the fight.
What about that Spanish matador who artfully waves his red cape in front of the bull?
The matadors of Spain — and anywhere else, for that matter — wave red capes in an effort to enrage bulls for entertainment purposes.
Spanish matador Daniel Luque is seen after killing a bull during a bullfight in The Maestranza bullring in Seville .
Spanish matador Julio Aparicio is gored by a bull during a bullfight during the San Isidro Feria at the Las Ventas bullring in Madrid.
When I told him I had no fancy dress for the costume of a toreador for me just like a rabbit out of a hat.
Spanish matador Jose Maria Manzanares performs a pass to a bull during a bullfight in Almeria, southeastern Spain, August 26, 2011.
7月8日,奔牛节第二轮斗牛开始前,西班牙斗牛士杰西·马丁内斯·巴里奥斯(Morenito deAranda)等着进入斗牛场。
Spanish bullfighter Jesus Martinez Barrios "Morenito de Aranda" waits to enter the bullring before the second bullfight of the San Fermin festival in Pamplona July 8, 2010. (REUTERS/Vincent West)
她在19岁的时候遇到了西班牙斗牛士LuisMiguel Dominguin ,并和他私奔了。 然而这位斗牛士后来为了米高梅公司的艾娃·嘉德纳而甩了她。
At 19, she met Spanish bullfighter Luis Miguel Dominguín and the pair eloped, only for the matador to desert her for MGM actress Ava Gardner.
Spain can still progress but has surrendered its status as a favorite after a shock loss to Switzerland.
西班牙最著名的斗牛士José Tomás在今年早些时候,经历了一场可怕的受伤之后活了下来,为此他被输了8公升的鲜血。
Spain's most famous bullfighter, José Tomás, sustained horrific injuries in a bullfight earlier this year, requiring an eight-liter blood transfusion.
The last matador to die in a bullfight in Spain was Jose Cubero, or Yiyo, in 1985.
El Pais newspaper said that in the past century, 134 people, including 33 matadors, had been killed by bulls in Spain.
Spanish rejoneador or mounted bullfighter Sergio Galan performs during his bullfight at Las Ventas bullring in Madrid.
I argued the merits of the matadors with Spaniards at the bullfights in Madrid.
I argued the merits of the matadors with Spaniards at the bullfights in Madrid.