These concepts and elements drive all intentional design strategies.
On the basis of this theory, this paper also analyzes the form, characteristics and constructing tactics of value network driven by core competence factors.
有些吃惊的是,XTP(极限事务处理,Extreme Transaction Processing)被认为是促使Spring和OSGi被采用的驱动要素之一。
Somewhat surprisingly, XTP (Extreme Transaction Processing) was identified as one of the driving forces behind the adoption of both Spring and OSGi.
When the behavior of one or more key architectural elements is event-driven, modeling with State Diagrams can be especially useful in understanding that behavior.
There are no rules for their use. The designer's purpose and intent drives the decisions made to achieve appropriate scale and proportion, as well as the degree of harmony between the elements.
Starting from the four driven factors of supply chain operation, the paper probes into the success of Dell's supply chain and focuses on analyzing its inventory and information tactics.
So in different cultures, customer asset driving factor also vary because of cultural differences.
The complicacy of elements and driving mechanism are the main cause of hypercorrection.
Based on the review of customer value theories, this paper defines the customer value and analyzes the main and sub driving factors of customer value.
Culture also affects customer asset in three aspects, value driving factor, branch driving factor and relation driving factor.
We study the obtaining on elements of internal-customers-driven in third part. And this is the base of the fourth-part in this paper and we give a example too.
Under the new economic situation, the economic growth mode is changing from pushed by nature resources to be pulled by the resources of knowledge and technology.
According to the theory of modern business administration, logistics flow, information flow and cash flow are three key factors of enterprise operating.
But on the other hand, township enterprises destruct our environment and waste our natural resources. In our paper, we study the economic cause of environment problems induced by township enterprises.
But on the other hand, township enterprises destruct our environment and waste our natural resources. In our paper, we study the economic cause of environment problems induced by township enterprises.