• 任何关系当中,人们都得作出让步

    In any relationship, you have to make compromises.


  • 因为这些事,似乎人感觉这些小小的让步不会生活,我与上帝关系未来的婚姻有什么消极影响。

    And because of that, it can feel like these little concessions don't negatively affect my life, my relationship with God or my future marriage.


  • 它们包括诸如对外关系能源土耳其可能指望作出重大让步领域

    They include areas where Turkey might be expected to have a lot to offer, such as external relations and energy.


  • 但是维护双边关系需要双方都作出让步并且需要日方采取坦诚务实的行动”。

    But safeguarding bilateral relations requires that the two sides meet halfway and requires Japan to take candid and practical actions.


  • 我们相信没有互相理解互相让步我们关系就不会长久

    We believe that our relationship cannot last long without mutual understanding and mutual concessions.


  • 即使方案明显很烂大多数谈判还是愿意稍微让步一点以便未来可以和你建立良好合作关系

    Even if your BATNA clearly stinks, most people you negotiate with will be willing to give a little just to create some good will for the working relationship you are establishing.


  • 如果年轻女子方面让步倒更希望男友继续维持恋爱关系

    The young woman has a higher chance to keep a boyfriend if she does not give in.


  • 贝蒂让步夫妇俩改善彼此关系提供了一个机会

    The space gave the couple a chance to work on their relationship.


  • 尽管和解精神在不断壮大,土耳其不愿建立正式关系坚持要求亚美尼亚作出让步

    Despite this burgeoning spirit of reconciliation, however, Turkey has balked at establishing formal ties and insists that Armenia must make the first move.


  • 考虑到我们友好关系我们准备做出让步价格上减免20%,商检你们负担

    Considering our good relationship, we are ready to make a concession to accept 20% reduction in price. But the inspection fee will be for your account.


  • 欧元区希腊关系是以“让步”——这个一方都曾经逼迫对方做出来过条件来界定的。

    Relations between the euro zone and Greece are defined in terms of the "concessions" each has screwed out of the other.


  • 仔细研究了HQ我们报价由于长期以来我们有良好稳定的合作关系,我将会尽可能让步

    I have carefully studied HQ offer to us and would like to try and compromise with him due to our long standing good relation with each other.


  • 根本关系,”低声说。我希望让步尽管自己心里禁不住害怕

    There is nothing in the world the matter, 'I whispered. I did not want him to yield, though I could not help being afraid in my heart.


  • 两种意义关系基本囊括了所有使句子繁化意义,比较意义、对比意义、包孕意义、原因—结果意义、条件—让步意义、解说—确切意义、接续意义

    The two relation completely covers all the transitionalized senses of sentences, such as comparison, contrast, cause-effect, condition-concession, interpretation-exactness and so on.


  • 相信某些领域,我们保守党可以国家利益,为形成公开信任合作关系利益作出让步

    And there are areas I believe that we in the Conservative party can give ground both in the national interest and in the interest of forging an open and trusting partnership, "he said."


  • 相信某些领域,我们保守党可以国家利益,为形成公开信任合作关系利益作出让步

    And there are areas I believe that we in the Conservative party can give ground both in the national interest and in the interest of forging an open and trusting partnership.


  • 法国试图影响结果最终向德国让步原因法国的AAA评级依赖德国亲密盟友关系

    France tries to influence the outcome but in the end must yield to Germany because its triple a rating is dependent on being closely allied with Germany.


  • 按照套用内容在容认性让步中的位置关系套用类型分为套、前后种类型。

    According to the location of nesting content of the complex sentence, all the complex sentences are divided into 3 types. Front nesting; rear nesting; and both front and rear nesting.


  • 按照套用内容在容认性让步中的位置关系套用类型分为套、前后种类型。

    According to the location of nesting content of the complex sentence, all the complex sentences are divided into 3 types. Front nesting; rear nesting; and both front and rear nesting.


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