• 随着电力机械相关设备应用范围急剧增大电能质量成为电力系统运行中的关键问题

    With the scope of electrical machines and equipments' application sharply increases, the power quality becomes the key issue of the electric operation system.


  • 是否想过如何应用程序影响范围扩展多个客户机设备

    Have you ever wondered how to expand the reach of your applications to multiple client devices?


  • 他们他们可以应用范围扩大空调,并且打算建成批3.5千瓦,等同家用基本型设备安置建筑物四周

    They say they can scale it up for use in air conditioning, and aim to build 3.5-kilowatt devices – equivalent to a basic home model – which could be dotted around buildings.


  • FCC批准第二意见指示备忘录在全美范围麦克风其他电能辅助服务设备应用划分了两个使用的超高频频率

    The FCC's approved Second Memorandum Opinion and Order sets aside two unused UHF frequencies nationwide for the use of microphones and other low power auxiliary service devices.


  • 大多数企业已经限制应用程序开发集成工作以及遗留系统增强范围,更不用购买固定设备了。

    Most have limited the scope of new application development, integration efforts, and legacy enhancements, not to mention capital equipment procurement.


  • 企业需要电子邮件PIM应用程序范围扩展通过企业外部提供移动设备笔记本电脑和工作站使用浏览器进行访问用户

    Enterprises need to extend the reach of email and PIM applications to users with browser access through both enterprise-provided and publically available mobile devices, laptops, and workstations.


  • 网络卖家买家联系在一起,而GPS设备社交网络进一步扩大了网络应用范围

    The Internet has always been good at connecting buyers and sellers; GPS devices and social networks are enhancing its power.


  • 介绍一种新型磨削设备,着重介绍设计思想结构附件应用范围

    A new type of grinding equipment for its design thought, structure, and its application range of accessories.


  • 2000年,因特网应用大大超出了军事设备大学研究范围

    By 2000, the Internet's use had expanded well beyond military installations and research universities.


  • 这个名字代表无限宽广应用范围,也代表着多种多样设备安装可行性

    The name Unimog represents an endless spectrum of application areas and implement mounting possibilities.


  • 获取他们腰椎侧位平片和磁共振片,应用电磁跟踪设备测量整个腰椎活动范围

    An electromagnetic tracking device was employed to measure the ranges of motion of the whole lumbar spine.


  • 对于这些应用具有广泛VIN范围嵌入式MPPT算法全波整流器专门设备可以帮助简化设计同时最大限度地提高能量转换

    For these applications, specialized devices with wide VIN ranges, embedded MPPT algorithms or full-wave rectifiers can help simplify design while maximizing energy conversion.


  • 概括介绍一种新型涂层设备—逗号涂层工作原理结构性能应用范围

    Generalized presentation is made on the working principle, structure, performance and the scope of application of a new type equipment-comma coating machine.


  • 同时考察成套设备应用范围金属矿深加工企业提供参考依据。

    Meanwhile, the application range of this complete set of equipment is investigated so as to provide the references for the deep processing plants of non metal minerals.


  • 应用范围公寓楼层锅炉设备太阳能热泵处理设备生活给水系统等行业

    Application range: they can be applied to apartment floor, boiler equipment, solar energy heat pump, water treatment equipment, life water supply system, etc.


  • 应用范围广,专门用于微型水泵清洗机洗衣机电风扇,电冰箱,空调等设备、仪器的交流电机启动运转

    It is widely used as the start-up and running capacitor that is special for micro water pump, cleaning machine, washing machine, and single-phase motor.


  • 应用范围混凝土搅拌设备混合料搅拌设备,冶金高炉需要配料设备

    APPLICATION: Apply to concrete mixer, Bitumen mixture equipments, equipments of converter or blast furnace burden and other equipments with burden need.


  • 应用范围应用消毒柜、微波炉、空调美容美发器械各种家电设备医院学校宾馆、饭店、家庭、办公室空气物体表面消毒杀菌。

    Applications: hospitals, schools, hotels, residences, offices etc. Disinfect the air and surface of goods. All kinds of home electric equipment is available. Applications health care, etc.


  • 应用范围混凝土搅拌及沥青混合料设备、冶金高炉转炉以及化工饲料重量控制等行业

    APPLI CATION: Apply to concrete mixer, bitumen mixture equipments, equipments of converter or blast furnace burden or weight-controlling trades such as chemical industry, fodder, etc...


  • 文中介绍了高压水除系统主要原理设备应用范围、组成系统主要机械电气设备

    The main principles, equipments, main machinery and electric equipments of high-pressure descaling system are introduced.


  • 无线个域网是以人为中心,在人的活动空间内各个小型手持设备组成的小范围无线网络目前主要应用家庭内部

    Wireless Personal Area networks (WPAN) is the small-scale wireless networks, which is people-centered and composed of various small handheld devices, mostly used in the family.


  • 双进双出磨煤机电厂系统中广泛应用一种制粉设备具有能耗生产效率研磨煤种范围广等优点

    BBD Ball mill is a widely used milling device in power plant system. It has the advantages of low energy consumption, high efficiency, widely range of grinding coal, and so on.


  • 通过计算机控制应用研究扩大了该设备适用范围

    This research and application are intended to make it suitable to be used in lots of situations through the computer control.


  • 处理方法具有计算精度应用范围广的特点,可以同类检测设备借鉴。

    The method has high precision and wide spread applicability. It can be used for reference by the similar equipment.


  • 它们拥有广泛的世界范围认证机构认证,UL 508,CSAIECEN满足原始设备制造商普遍应用要求

    They have extensive worldwide agency approvals, such as UL 508, CSA, IEC, and EN, to meet the requirements of OEMs with universal applications.


  • 电机应用使用范围广高耗能动力设备

    Motor is a kind of are big, the wide use of energy intensive power equipment.


  • 广泛应用混凝土搅拌设备具备工作温度范围抗干扰能力强功能齐全操作简便显示直观等特点

    It has been widely equipped in concrete mixing equipments with wide operating temperature range, anti-interference ability, functional and easy to operate, intuitive display etc.


  • 广泛应用混凝土搅拌设备具备工作温度范围抗干扰能力强功能齐全操作简便显示直观等特点

    It has been widely equipped in concrete mixing equipments with wide operating temperature range, anti-interference ability, functional and easy to operate, intuitive display etc.


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