• 这种设计思维方法让读者有更多精神兴趣适于当代书籍整体设计

    This new design thinking will conduct more spiritual interest for everyone during reading experience, it is fit for modern book design.


  • 业务战略新的思维方式也是设计集成应用程序一种方法

    It is a business strategy or a new way of thinking, but it is also a method of designing and integrating applications.


  • 总的来说一个计算机系统不同的“子系统”组成的,因此程序员需要掌握一些设计技巧或者自上而下思维方法,这样才能整体上把握全局。

    Generally, a computer system is comprised of different "sub" systems so a programmer needs to have some design or top-down thinking skills to see the program from the larger picture.


  • 肿瘤辅助诊断系统运用专家系统设计原理方法模拟医学专家诊断、治疗骨肿瘤的思维过程而编写的计算机程序

    Bone tumor assisted diagnosis system is such a computer programme that applies the design theory and method of expert system, simulates medical expert diagnosis and treatment in bone tumor.


  • 同理设计好了在乎人类是否微笑人工思维也许在一旦有了方法后会通过快乐大笑之外途径强迫人类微笑。

    Likewise, an artificial mind designed to care whether humans smile might force humans to smile through means other than joy and laughter once it gained the means to.


  • 设计师们提供了一个窥探他们私人工作方法思维过程揭示经典作品背后灵感

    Designers offer a glimpse into their private working methods and thought processes, and reveal the inspiration behind classic pieces of work.


  • 非常希望接触到专业交互设计理念方法补充设计思维

    I am very looking forward to contact more professional theories and methods of interaction design to supplement my design thinking.


  • 论述圆形结构设计方法总结普遍特殊规律拓展圆形裙款式与结构设计思维领域

    Describe the structure design method of the circular skirt, sum up its universal and special laws, expand the thought sphere of the circular skirt structure and style design.


  • 运用这些管理体系的核心思想系统思维方法设计整合指导企业内部管理工作,建立适合企业的管理体系。

    Try to apply these essential ideas and systematic thinking methods for the designing, concordance, guide the internal management and setting up management system suitable for the enterprise.


  • 阐述拓学理论发散树思维方法机械产品概念设计

    This paper discusses the conceptual design for mechanical products of Divergence Thinking method.


  • 角色演变启迪思维设计教学方法

    The role turn into; Inspire thinking; Design teaching; Method.


  • 论文率先提出一种基于多级菱形思维模型的复杂产品定性定量相结合概念设计方法

    The paper raises a qualitative and quantitative combined conceptual design method, which is based on multi-stage rhombus thought model.


  • 通过工业设计专业工程制图教学实践研究了提高学生创造性思维能力的教学方法

    With the practice of teaching on engineering graphics of industrial design, the teaching methods that are able to improve the creative thinking ability of students are thoroughly studied.


  • VB一个面向对象程序设计语言,开发VB应用程序关键面向对象的编程思维方法

    VB is a procedure design language of facing object and the key of opening up VB application is that we should have programmer thought method of facing object.


  • 并且指出开发庙会旅游产品时,艺术设计无论是作为创意思维还是一种包装方法着十分重要作用

    It was put forward that art design, whether as an original thought or as practical packaging measure, plays an important role in exploiting tour product of temple fair.


  • 针对自上而下计算机辅助机械产品图形设计,提出了适应这种设计思维特征设计方法选择合适的形状特征,作为进一步详细设计基准

    In the light of using top down method in the design of product with CAD, a method of feature design, which chooses proper shape feature as the datum for next design step, is presented.


  • 本文工作重点前端设计进行意识思维任务电信号(EEG)的辨识率二分类bci提出了一种应用二分类bci进行多种工作任务识别的方法

    Here the focus is the front, designing a high classification BCI only using simple sensibilities mental task EEG signal and indication a method using this BCI to sort many kinds of tasks.


  • 同时注重适用艺术设计创意设计特殊思维方法整合研究

    It also plays a special emphasis on the integrated research about special thinking methods applied to and creative design.


  • 希望通过这样研究可以发现更多更好思维训练方法挖掘出作为设计工作者的我们大的潜力帮助我们更好的进行有效设计创意

    I hope to find more and better training method of creative thinking through the research in order to excavate the potentiality of designers to help us carry on the more effective design.


  • 面向对象的方法分析方法设计方法思维方法

    The OOD method is a sort of analyzing, designing and thinking methods.


  • 重量轻扭转涂鸦蒸汽朋克美术时装设计这里一些方法非标准创作一挑战传统思维

    From 3d, light and reverse graffiti to steampunk art, fashion and design here are some ways in which non-standard artists create works that challenge conventional thinking.


  • 是以系统行为基层进实体对象行为方式思考问题虚拟模型方法具体体现,也符合决策者设计思维

    It follows the way of thinking from the system behavior to physical object behavior, being an embodiment of the virtual model methods and in line with the decision makers 'way of thinking.


  • 本文设计手法建筑风格、思维方法等方面阐述如何取得建筑创作上的成功。

    The article expatiates how to get succeed in Architecture creation from Design ploy, Architecture style and Think way.


  • 文章阐述招贴设计创意思维方法创意思维的培养。

    The article elaborated the handbill poster notice design creativity thought method and the creativity thought raise.


  • 这个反向考虑网页重要性来给网站设计结构提出参考方法就是换位思维

    The importance of this reverse consider Web page to Web site design structure reference is thinking.


  • 创意思维方法应用招贴设计过程中具有十分重要的意义将直接影响招贴设计成败

    The creativity thought method's application has the very vital significance in the handbill poster notice design process, and immediate influence to handbill poster notice design success or failure.


  • 首先设计简单操作编码解码方法然后应用思维进化计算趋同异化操作求解问题

    A simple and easy operation method of coding and decoding was designed first. Then job-shop scheduling could be solved by conducting convergence and dissimilation of Mind Evolutionary Computation.


  • 首先设计简单操作编码解码方法然后应用思维进化计算趋同异化操作求解问题

    A simple and easy operation method of coding and decoding was designed first. Then job-shop scheduling could be solved by conducting convergence and dissimilation of Mind Evolutionary Computation.


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