Why does agreement to a certain procedure, even a fair procedure, justify whatever result flows from the operation of that procedure?
The murder emboldened the radical anti-choice movement, as it resulted in the closure of Tiller's clinic and proved to them that terrorism does work.
He adds that while Nielsen's results are "highly suggestive" of electrical symbiosis, "we must be careful not to extend conclusions beyond what are scientifically proven".
Clincal trials to verify these results in humans would be highly unethical to conduct, because of the predictably unfavorable outcome.
But it turns out there are some small but well-conducted double-blind studies demonstrating significant reductions in migraines in people taking one of these supplements.
The idea of plunging into new legal thickets is daunting, especially since it might well prove hard to convert Lord Saville's findings into convictions against individuals.
The idea of plunging into new legal thickets is daunting, especially since it might well prove hard to convert Lord Saville’s findings into convictions against individuals.
Since then, the researchers have reviewed, repeated and improved their measurements so that they are confident that the results are correct.
Consequently, reassurance is critical and this may take the form of repeated, even ritualized activities.
Even though the outcome of each individual pattern is random, the outcome of a series of patterns is consistent (statistically reliable).
Although the study was done on mice and not people, the results are encouraging and further proof that diet plays a vital role in health, the researchers say.
The bank thinks the most likely outcome for 2009 will be a decline in remittances of just under 6%, though not enough is known about the impact of severe recessions to be sure of such predictions.
The test results revealed that neurons and stem cells in the hippocampus both responded positively to the treatment by increasing their proliferation rates.
The fast analog-regulating system is simulated by an electronic analog computer. The theoretical calculation in the main agrees with experimental results.
The result, according to the American cancer Society, was a widespread belief that there is a scientific basis for cancer-prone personality types.
By means of the theory of majorization, some inequalities with the integer power function simply are proved, and most of results is extension of applied inequalities.
Research-based teaching and studying are proved to have obvious results by practice and research in Integrated Skills of English in Simao Teachers' College.
In reference to your response, repeating a test with a fresh standard does not by itself justify the invalidation of previous results.
The main result of this paper is the uniqueness of random Q process for branching random Q matrix under some reasonable conditions.
The results show that this method has proved satisfactory and achieves the goal to objectively assess the water environmtal quality.
The test set generated and the simulation result are used effectively in a new type of detecting equipment which is describedbriefly in this paper.
The results show that the image using shadow moire capture is fitting to the calculation of grating sensor.
It has proved that this algorithm can deal with the mutual exclusive testing correctly.
The differential pressure method to measure the liquid level is described which has been applied to the practical engineering. The results measured show that it is satisfactory and useful.
The plant practice proves that the test result is correct; and the new evaluation method for rust protection performance is feasible.
Taking four weighing idlers for example, its frequency characteristics are analysed and the analysing results are indirectly certified by practice.
In this paper it is shown that Spaces of pointwise countable type are preserved by fi-nite-to - one, continuous, closed mappings.
In this paper it is shown that Spaces of pointwise countable type are preserved by fi-nite-to - one, continuous, closed mappings.