• 请求通过不同路由发送。

    The packets of a request is sent through different routes.


  • 请求中的消息松散类型化

    The message graph in the request package is loosely typed.


  • 邻居发现协议路由请求展示测试结构日志窗口

    A router solicitation packet of neighbor discovery protocol is used as an example to show the structure of test suite and log window.


  • 如果M达到预设最大值该路请求包丢弃,以达到路由请求包泛洪数的有效控制

    And then, if the integer (M) reaches the default maximum, RREQ will be discarded to control its flooding hops effectively.


  • Apache提出缓解措施完全禁止Range限制请求大小及部署定制Range计数模块

    Apache's mitigation strategies ranged from completely disallowing the range header, to limiting the size of requests, to deploying a custom range counting module.


  • 针对这个问题,DSR路由协议基础上,提出了一种缩短路由的策略并且给出路由缩短请求的格式。

    For this, tactic to abbreviate path based on DSR is presented, and designed the frame of abbreviate path request.


  • USB功能驱动程序设备开发者编写,位于USB总线驱动程序的上层,通过向USB总线驱动程序发送USB请求包,来实现对USB设备信息发送接收

    USB Function device driver is designed by client, it lies the up layer of USB Bus device driver, it sends and receives information from USB device by send URB to USB Bus device driver.


  • 攻击者不能访问一个请求所有,也就不能破译发送消息

    The attacker cannot access all the packets of a request and cannot decipher what message was sent.


  • 只有需要进行相互身份验证时,客户机服务器请求这个

    The client requests the server for it only when mutual authentication is necessary.


  • 事件传输格式部分一个HTTP请求事件有效载荷(事件连接器)。

    The wire format of the event has two parts: an HTTP request header and the event payload (which is the event connector packet).


  • 工作请求记录类型一个可以运用统一变更管理(ucm)的基于状态记录类型。

    The Work Request record could be a state-based record type with the Unified Change Management (UCM) package applied.


  • 使用FLUSHPACKAGE命令删除缓存当前所有缓存动态sql语句强制隐式编译请求

    Use the FLUSH package command to remove all cached dynamic SQL statements currently in the package cache and force the next request to be implicitly compiled.


  • 因此需要定义一个XSLT样式表来将进入SOAP转换XACML请求

    Therefore, you need to define an XSLT stylesheet transforming incoming SOAP packages into XACML requests.


  • 使得系统可以发送关于多个请求并且以后逐个检查响应

    This enables the system to send requests about a number of packages all at once and check the response at a later time one by one.


  • SOAP客户端将会产生一个请求数据清单7)。

    The SOAP client will generate a request packet ( Listing 7).


  • 客户服务器请求分割成并且服务器端重新组织

    A request from the client to the server computer is broken up into small pieces known as packets as it leaves the client's computer and is reconstructed at the server.


  • 清单9Rubyon Rails中的简短例子清单中的闭用于为一HTTP请求编写响应代码

    Listing 9, a quick example from Ruby on Rails, shows a closure that is used to code the response of an HTTP request.


  • 使用servlet筛选器阻止创建更新请求

    It leverages servlet filters to block requests to create and update packages.


  • 告诉Snort查找中的特定内容,例如Web请求中的GETtelnet连接中的特定端口

    It tells Snort something specific to look for in a packet, such as GET in a Web request or a specific port in a Telnet connection.


  • Services_Delicious提供了del. icio . usRESTAPI通信创建传输请求解析解码XML响应的API。

    The Services_Delicious package provides an API to communicate with the del.icio.us REST API, create and transmit requests, and parse and decode XML responses.


  • 连接实例时,ssvnc向Pageant请求SSH秘密密钥

    Whenever you connect to a cloud instance, the SSVNC package requests the SSH secret key from Pageant.


  • 例如Guiceservlet提供两个其他作用域RequestSession它们servlet请求和servlet会话提供一个独特实例

    As an example, the Guice servlet package supplies two additional scopes: request and session, which serve up a unique instance of your class per servlet request and servlet session.


  • 可以看到系统A系统b发送数据然后等待响应,已决定同意拒绝登录请求

    Observe that system a sends a small data packet to system b, and waits for a response packet before granting or denying the login request.


  • 下载请求软件所需其他数据例如命令

    Downloading other packages that the requested software needs, such as commands and libraries.


  • 为了响应请求发送一个标准http响应相关管脚收集读数文本格式发送数据

    In response to a request, it sends a standard HTTP response header, collects readings from the relevant pins, and sends the data package in text format.


  • 然而实际上有一定困难因为这些标准对于请求者与提供者采用标准方法访问整个soap并不容易

    However, this is actually slightly difficult, as those standards don't make it easy for requesters or providers to access the whole SOAP envelope in a standard way.


  • 网络延时目的地发送请求目的地实际接收数据之间时间间隔。

    The network latency is the time between sending a request to a destination and the destination actually receiving the sent packet.


  • 如果只需偶尔抛出消息或者请求用户进行某些简单输入,那么前面列出所有工具都适用。

    If all you want is to toss up the occasional message box, or ask a user for some simple input, almost any of the toolkits I've listed will do.


  • 底层网络数据消息区域封装一个请求命令请求设备设备信号数据寄存器内容

    A request command is enclosed in the data or message section of the underlying network packet. It requests the contents of registers in the device containing signal data of a device.


  • 底层网络数据消息区域封装一个请求命令请求设备设备信号数据寄存器内容

    A request command is enclosed in the data or message section of the underlying network packet. It requests the contents of registers in the device containing signal data of a device.


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