• 我们谈判没有取得什么进展。

    We are making little headway with the negotiations.


  • 由于缺乏基本信任和平谈判搁浅

    The peace talks foundered on a basic lack of trust.


  • 经过漫长谈判终于达成了协议

    A deal was struck after lengthy negotiations.


  • 他们爱尔兰政府谈判

    They are engaged in talks with the Irish government.


  • 争论那些谈判直接相关

    The dispute is not directly connected to the negotiations.


  • 谈判破裂意味着和平进程暂时受阻

    The breakdown in talks represents a temporary setback in the peace process.


  • 我们应该排除谈判可能性

    We should not exclude the possibility of negotiation.


  • 这次攻击事件使和平谈判愈加紧迫

    The attack added a new urgency to the peace talks.


  • 尽管已讨论数月谈判僵持不下

    Despite months of discussion the negotiations remained deadlocked.


  • 你们希望通过谈判达成协议。

    You're in a strong position to negotiate a deal.


  • 协议经过小时谈判后才达成

    The agreement came after several hours of negotiations.


  • 官员们拒绝透露谈判细节

    Officials refuse to divulge details of the negotiations.


  • 谈判主要难点之一

    This was one of the major sticking points in the negotiations.


  • 我们等待谈判最终结果

    We are waiting to hear the final outcome of the negotiations.


  • 一争论可能会使损害谈判

    The dispute could jeopardize the negotiations.


  • 谈判失败预料之中的事

    The breakdown of the negotiations was not unexpected.


  • 他们仔细考虑了是否继续谈判的问题。

    They deliberated on whether to continue with the talks.


  • 广泛谈判一直秘密进行。

    A lot of negotiating has been going on behind the scenes.


  • 政府释放人质进行谈判

    The government is negotiating the release of the hostages.


  • 政府明令禁止泄露谈判内容

    The government has thrown a security blanket around the talks.


  • 许多预料和平谈判破裂

    Many people were expecting (that) the peace talks would break down.


  • 美国正在安排双方谈判

    The US is sponsoring negotiations between the two sides.


  • 抗议者未能破坏和平谈判

    Protesters failed to sabotage the peace talks.


  • 谈判陷入僵局,无果而终。

    The talks ended in (a) stalemate.


  • 反对势力日益强烈政府同意进行谈判

    Opposition grew and the government agreed to negotiate.


  • 他们被迫通过谈判解决

    They were coerced into negotiating a settlement.


  • 这些事件导致谈判延期

    These events have led to the suspension of talks.


  • 这些事件导致谈判延期

    These events have led to the suspension of talks.


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