The one-time billionaire made $72 million by trading on inside information on Goldman Sachs, Intel Corp., Google Inc., ATI Technologies and Clearwire, prosecutors say.
The latter is best known for its search engine, but it was also the first company to build a huge computing cloud-a nexus of hardware, software, data and people which provides online services.
Yet while Google has been able to sign up some large clients such as Genentech and Motorola, it still gets the lion's share of its business from small and medium-sized companies.
Once it owns Motorola, Google can design smartphones exactly as it wants them to be, only with the brand and expertise of one of the world's top mobile firms.
It is hard to reach old age in Silicon Valley: your technology goes stale, and young bruisers such as Google and Apple kick away your zimmer frame.
What's more, Microsoft — along with other competitors — has its own cloud-based offering, which could end up not just cannibalizing Exchange but also taking on Google Apps for Business.
谷歌公司的洛朗·科迪尔(Laurent Cordier)说,“访客找回”技术可以使点击率提高五到十倍。
Laurent Cordier of Google says that retargeting can raise click-through rates five - or tenfold.
他指出,谷歌已经参与了对无线通信技术专利公司InterDigital 8,800个专利的竞标。
He points out that Google has joined the bidding for 8, 800 patents owned by InterDigital.
Samsung - engaged in an increasingly bitter legal battle with iPhone - is providing the technology for the Google-badged Nexus Prime。
与iPhone法律纠纷愈演愈烈的韩国三星公司负责为谷歌的NexusPrime .提供技术支持。
Samsung - engaged in an increasingly bitter legal battle with iPhone - is providing the technology for the Google-badged Nexus Prime.
Silicon Valley in Northern California is home to many of the world's largest technology companies. These include Apple, Google, Oracle, Intel, Cisco Systems and Hewlett-Packard.
Google and Microsoft rely on HTC for technology innovation and its large handset market share, she said, so it would be very difficult for either company to turn its back on HTC.
Microsoft has never done a merger of this size, and the two companies have very different cultures: there could be an exodus of engineers to other firms, including Google.
Two years ago, radicals began delaying and harassing Google and other tech companies' shuttles as they threaded San Francisco's narrow streets.
In the United States, giants like Google and Cisco regularly acquire startups with fresh ideas and technology, which in turn encourages other entrepreneurs to create new companies.
A group of technology companies, including mobile-phone makers, may also bid on the patents to stop Google, two people said.
But mobile ordering, especially with delivery, presents a significant benefit to the customer and is something that a stand-alone tech company like Apple or Google can't provide.
It holds more than 80 percent of the smartphone operating system market worldwide, according to the technology research company Gartner.
One former human relations executive at a big private company describes the problem for start-ups: "Google and a select group of Valley firms effectively set the bar for engineering talent."
In addition, Weihl said Google has engaged in R&D work on reflector mirrors and that the company is also considering conducting R&D into receiver and turbine technology.
So, I think we're a technology company that applies technology to media.
Market share matters, as does Google's nearly three years of experimenting with its Google Wallets payment technology even as others are still getting up to speed on mobile payments.
This could involve, say, snapping up firms such as Foursquare, which offer services based on a person's location, an area that Ms Mayer knows well from her time at Google.
This could involve, say, snapping up firms such as Foursquare, which offer services based on a person's location, an area that Ms Mayer knows well from her time at Google.