BlackRock is the biggest financial firm people have never heard of.
The past three years have boosted BlackRock's stature on Wall Street dramatically.
BlackRock and Barclays are trumpeting the enhanced scale of their business (see chart 1).
The financial crisis also won attention for BlackRock's advisory and risk-analytics businesses.
Already, global funds such as BlackRock are many firms' biggest outside investors.
They would rather see the firm focusing on managing their money than plastering its name on billboards.
The remainder, people said, would come as the bank records a tax gain from holding a smaller slice of BlackRock, the money manager.
That is why a lot of firms will be looking to see if the deal between BlackRock and BGI can be made to work.
BlackRock's ability to assess and value mortgage-backed securities quickly made it essential during the turmoil.
Yet BlackRock's hardest task may be the most obvious one of all for an asset manager-performance.
BlackRock has dodged the worst storms of the crisis: it is now the largest financial institution in the world measured by assets under management.
The takeover of Barclays Global Investors (BGI) by BlackRock, finalised on June 16th, will create the world's largest asset manager.
The BlackRock asset is not considered core, so the bank is also weighing whether that should be reduced, the source said.
Barclays is not the only bank retreating from fund management (though it is retaining a 19.9% stake in the renamed BlackRock Global Investors).
With the purchase of Barclays Global Investors (BGI), finalised on June 16th, a firm founded a mere 21 years ago has become the biggest asset manager in the world.
'It is the hallmark of a credit bubble when lenders think that because collateral is going up in price they can ignore the borrower's ability to pay, ' says BlackRock's Mr. Fisher.
He also said that although BlackRock misjudged the commercial real-estate sector, it is an area on which it will be refocusing and that the asset-management business is changing drastically.
BlackRock now towers above its competitors in size (see table). It also has one of the most diverse product lines of any asset manager, a response to the.
BlackRock doesn't think it fits the bill, mainly because it manages others people's money and doesn't leverage up its own balance sheet like Banks do.
Among the most successful deals last year was BlackRock Inc. 's takeover of U.K. rival Barclays Global Investors from Barclays PLC.
Bob Doll of BlackRock, a fund-management group, expected double-digit gains from the American stockmarket;
Among the most successful deals last year was BlackRock Inc. 's takeover of U. K. rival Barclays Global Investors from Barclays PLC.
Bob Doll, the chief equities strategist at BlackRock (BLK), announced Wednesday that the asset management giant sees a 30% chance of a recession.
The deal unites BlackRock’s expertise in fixed income with BGI’s renown in index tracking, notably through its retail arm, iShares.
美国银行由于去年秋天收购美林证券时获得了贝莱德的股份,他现在也将其资产管理部门Columbia Management进行出售。
Having acquired a stake in BlackRock when it took over Merrill Lynch last autumn, Bank of America has put Columbia management, its asset-management arm, up for sale.
In the year since banker became a bad word, Leonard Abess brought some goodwill - and some good p.r. - to the besmirched financial sector.
Les Ebdon, vice-chancellor of Bedfordshire, said his university was running extra induction weeks in anticipation of international students being delayed.
Les Ebdon, vice-chancellor of Bedfordshire, said his university was running extra induction weeks in anticipation of international students being delayed.