A seismic blind deconvolution method based on negative entropy was discussed.
Therefore, virtue regulation, regulation system, and effective complexity are the symbols for the existence of negative entropy of virtue.
A measure composed of the actual negative entropy divided by the maximum possible entropy using the same set of signs.
The principle of avoiding an accident is to input information or negative entropy in order to decrease the increase of entropy in the inner system.
The principle of avoiding an accident is to input information or negative entropy in order to decrease the increasement of entropy in the inner system.
Life maintains its order through minus entropy so as to show out quanta nature of molecule arrangement by macroscopic scale.
And the human, the main part of the intelligence-circle, can bring minus entropy in it by our wisdom and knowledge to slow the entropy growing speed down.
This article introduces the concept of entropy and entropy increases principle, and discusses negative entropy yield of life body and its simple applications in biology.
通过对负熵概念的一些片面认识的分析 ,澄清了负熵的正确含义 ,并据此分析了负熵与系统演化的关系。
In respectto some sided ideas ofminus entropy, the true meaning ofminus entropy is given with analysis made on the relationship between minus entropy and system evolution.
The open system of organization can draw negative entropy from exterior environment on one hand, but more important, the organization in the era of knowledge economy can accumulate and co...
在提出流体力学道路交通压力的概念基础上,选取适当的熵模型和关键的交通状态参数,运用非平衡态热力学的理论 方法建立道路交通系统熵模型和负熵流模型。
So, this paper can discriminate the state of road traffic. The negative entropy flow model can ensure the extent of traffic management and the best management time should be taken when road is crowed.
Well, here we get, we find that delta H is dH Delta S is negative 198 joules per Kelvin.
模糊事件的概率就是它的平均隶属度。 模糊事件的熵就是它的概率的负对数。
The probability of a fuzzy event is the average value of its grade of membership-Its entropy is the negative logarithm of probability.
Recently, the two negative-index relations have been deduced by the principle of the maximum entropy and confirmed by a lot of observation.
The molar enthalpy of solution was positive and the molar entropy was negative.
Under a very simple constrain from the Maximum Entropy Principle, we found that an intensity-duration relation of Precipatation processes obeys negative exponent law.
We've changed the Negative Energy spells cast by M'uru and Entropius to no longer cause spell interruption on the target.
We've changed the Negative Energy spells cast by M'uru and Entropius to no longer cause spell interruption on the target.