• 我们认为那些自然提取资源附加值

    To the resources extracted from nature, which are treated as zero.


  • 而C5馏分作为一种宝贵的资源可以生产一系列附加值化工产品

    As a precious resource, C5 fraction can be used to produce a serious of chemical products with high added value.


  • 加大了尾矿综合利用程度二次资源开发生产附加值产品开辟条途径

    It not only strength the complex utilization degree of tailing, but also open up a path for exploit of secondary resource and product high added value production.


  • 锌粉一种新型材料,生产超细锌粉是开发利用资源提高附加值有效途径

    The production of superfine zinc powder is an effective way to develop the zinc source and to increase the added value of zinc.


  • 生产超细锌粉开发利用资源提高附加值有效途径

    It is a valid way to develop Zinc resource and improve its extra value by producing ultrafine Zinc dust.


  • 同时指出多不饱和脂肪酸应用前景广阔,通过开发农产品中的多不饱和脂肪酸资源提高农产品附加值

    Polyunsaturated fatty acids has promising applications, and they can be developed greatly from agriculture products in order to improve the additional value of agriculture products.


  • 文化创意产业产品附加值消耗资源并且具有很强的产业关联度性

    It has the characters of high value-added products, less consumption of resources and high industry correlation.


  • 本钢集团依托丰富矿产资源工艺装备优势,生产附加值和高技术含量产品占总产量的80%。

    Relying on the rich mining resources and advanced technological equipment, high value added and high technology content products in BX STEEL have accounted for 80% of the total amount of production.


  • 中提取纯化青素,正是为综合利用我国丰富虾壳资源提高虾壳产品附加值,具有良好经济效益和社会效益。

    To extract astaxanthin from shrimp waste, we can fully utilize the rich resource of shrimp waste in our country, increase the added-value of shrimp waste, and benefit our economy and society as well.


  • 技术人才资源具有附加值知识资本的承载者与创造者因此世界高技术人才争夺战演愈

    High technicians are the human resources with high added value who are owners and creators of knowledge capital, so world-wide fight for high technicians grows in intensity.


  • 硫铁矿直接生产质量精矿不但实现资源综合利用可以生产附加值产品

    Production of high quality pyrite concentrate from pyrite resources directly can not only achieve comprehensive utilization of sulfur and iron, but also produce high value-added products.


  • 锌粉一种新型材料生产超细锌粉是开发利用资源提高附加值有效途径

    Superfine zinc powder is a new type of material. The production of superfine zinc powder is an effective way to develop the zinc source and to increase the added value of zinc.


  • 蔗渣纤维素地球上丰富再生性资源,利用改性后的蔗渣纤维素作为吸附剂,是实现对植物资源附加值利用重要途径之一

    As one of the most abundant regeneratable resources, modified bagasse cellulose can be used as the important material of adsorbent with high added value.


  • 本文介绍了一项专利技术可以将堆积如山粉煤灰煤矸石作为再生资源, 生产附加值系列微珠产品

    This paper introduces a patent, which can make the coal fly ash and gangue piled up as the renewable resources, and turn out the tiny-bead products with high attached value.


  • 因此,我想法就是计税基数附加值改为资源本身我们想要提高效益,就必须先提升物资的价值。

    So, the idea is to shift our tax base away from value added and toward the resources themselves.


  • 蜡蚧轮枝菌同翅目蚜虫、粉虱和蚧害虫重要生防资源,可用于防治附加值茶叶上的主要害虫茶蚜。

    It also can be applied to the control of the main pest such as tea aphids in the tea trees.


  • 医院减负同时,必须积极适应新的形势下医疗市场需求充分发挥大医院人才密集、知识密集、资源密集的优势,提供高质量、高效率、高附加值的医疗服务。

    While "reducing burdens", big hospitals must try actively to suit the needs of the medical market under the new circumstances, give full play to their strong points, such as high concentration o


  • 蔗渣纤维素是丰富可再生资源,改性后可以作为离子交换吸附脱色剂,是实现对植物资源附加值利用的重要途径之一

    The optimum technological conditions were studied for the synthesis of bagasse cellulose phosphate ester by the reaction of bagasse cellulose as raw material with urea as catalyst.


  • 蔗渣纤维素是丰富可再生资源,改性后可以作为离子交换吸附脱色剂,是实现对植物资源附加值利用的重要途径之一

    The optimum technological conditions were studied for the synthesis of bagasse cellulose phosphate ester by the reaction of bagasse cellulose as raw material with urea as catalyst.


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