At first, the robin watched Mary and Colin with sharp anxiety.
At first I got jammed just above my eyes and then, as I went on with my task, unwilling to quit, my nose briefly prevented entry.
It was originally created to help a team decide how much they can plan for the next iteration.
The Internet — or the chunk of the Internet we see through a browser — was initially designed for simply requesting and transmitting files.
Heathcliff — Mr Heathcliff I should say in future — used the liberty of visiting at Thrushcross Grange cautiously, at first: he seemed estimating how far its owner would bear his intrusion.
So this is where recursion gets a little trippy — certainly initially, and that you have to kind of keep diving deeper, deeper, deeper into the problem.
At first he denied any part in the 9/11 attacks, but at last pride got the better of him: yes, it was he who had guided his 19 brothers towards their “easy” targets.
And, Thou, Lord, in the beginning hast laid the foundation of the earth; and the heavens are the works of thine hands.
This might seem silly or strange at first, but when you’re upset, give yourself a hug or gently rock your body.
This might seem silly or strange at first, but when you're upset, give yourself a hug or gently rock your body.
Mrs Merkel's hasty abandonment of her government's first energy policy, which was to squeeze more power out of ageing nuclear plants, hurt her credibility.
Initially, we didn't have a computer at our home, for, in our country (India), PCs are not ubiquitous but are considered a luxury.
At first, the problems had delayed his development, but once they were safely behind us, I looked forward to my son's first words. They didn't come.
A botched war, a botched trial and now a botched execution: Iraq obstinately refuses to behave in accordance with the script its American conquerors have written for it.
Jackson's musical influence on subsequent artists is simply unavoidable, from his immediate followers like Madonna and Bobby Brown, to later stars like Usher and Justin Timberlake.
Greenwich thus became established as the location of the prime meridian of longitude, and the base line for calculating time zones around the world.
But it would have been better if they had paid more attention to San Lu in the first place.
What to Watch Out For: At first, we are pleased when we meet panhandlers, because they are willing to go out of their way to do something for us, to demonstrate their loyalty.
Of old hast thou laid the foundation of the earth: and the heavens are the work of thy hands.
First, Mr Mugabe turned up with 22 ministers, whereas the agreement generously gave him 15 cabinet posts to the MDC’s 13, with a small opposition group led by Arthur Mutambara getting three.
At first Tom had difficulty in getting his books accepted, and had to hawk them around from firm to firm until one agreed that they were worth printing.
At first they were so enraged that his life was in danger, but at last his eloquence won them over, and with tears they one and all confessed themselves guilty.
Salinger's in which the voice is not secure, as the young Seymour fidgets first with one tone and then with another - by turns earnest, anxious, playful and sarcastic.
Initially, Cruise seemed to double down on his beliefs in Scientology but eventually did the smart thing and stopped talking about it.
Initially, Cruise seemed to double down on his beliefs in Scientology but eventually did the smart thing and stopped talking about it.