Some sources omit the initial 0, instead beginning the sequence with two 1s.
They cannot steal your long term vision: Craigslist started in SF, Facebook at harvard, Google with only millions of pages, and Microsoft started as a basic interpreter.
OM is the original mantra, it is just the pure sound of the consciousness we call Brahman or God.
The automobile financial service originates from the installment plan which automaker offered to users in the automobile sale around the twenties of the 20th century at first.
提出了一种估计MC CDMA系统FFT起始时间偏差的新方法,采用连续训练序列来获得最初时间同步。
A new method to estimate the FFT block timing offset in the MCCDMA system is proposed. Consecutive training sequences are used to acquire the initial time synchronization.
The current theoretical concern especially in culture and nationality aspects of the West towards East Asia's rising to prominence originated in Japan after the Meiji Reformation .
If you've been card dead in the first few levels you may only have as many chips as what you started with, or you may have been lucky enough to double or triple up early on.
If you've been card dead in the first few levels you may only have as many chips as what you started with, or you may have been lucky enough to double or triple up early on.