我当时已在进行规律的锻炼,健康状况相当不错,也没有超重(6英尺,155磅)(约为1.8米,70.73公斤——Nicole)。但我当时在校的日常饮食中却常有In - n - Out汉堡(一种汉堡品牌——Nicole)。
I was already exercising regularly, seemed in decent health, and was not overweight (6 '0 ", 155 LBS), but my typical college diet included a lot of In-N-Out burgers."
A 5-foot, 10-inch (1.78-meter) man weighing 175 pounds (79 kg) would have a BMI of 25.1 and be considered overweight, according to the department.
Bodyweight divisions range from the flyweight category under 52 kilos to the super-heavyweight category over 110 kilos.
Bodyweight divisions range from the flyweight category under 52 kilos to the super-heavyweight category over 110 kilos.