Theoretical analysis verifies that tracking error converges to zero.
Then, some methods to compensate the dynamic tracking error are introduced.
By Lyapunov method, the tracking error asymptotically converges to zero.
There are two kinds of errors, cold tracking error and post-hot-tracking error.
However there has larger tracking error in the FNNSMC than that in the SMC.
It is proved that the proposed method can make the tracking error converges to a small neighborhood of the origin.
The identification error and the (trajectory) tracking error are analyzed and guaranteed to be bounded.
It can guarantee the global boundness of closed loop signals and make the output tracking error arbitrarily small.
The stability of the closed-loop system's and its asymptotical convergence of tracking errors can be guaranteed.
This article investigates two models for minimizing tracking error: quadratic tracking error optimization and linear tracking error optimization.
The controller parameters are generated by using reference inputs, filtered outputs of control inputs and object outputs, and tracking errors.
The comparison of experiments shows that the feed servo system can greatly improve control accuracy and reduce the following error.
To improve the tracking speed and control effects of the generator, the feedback system includes indirectly the future information of the tracking errors.
In the adaptive algorithm, the parameter adjusting laws of the fuzzy logic systems are derived by the tracking error and the identification error.
A dynamic high type control method is introduced in this dissertation. It can minish the dynamic error greatly by using this method.
The experiment results demonstrate that the controller can compensate the nonlinear factors in the system, guarantee the system stability and diminish the tracking error.
The proposed controller can assure that not only the output tracking error converges to an any small neighborhood of zero but all the signals are global bounded.
Based on the adaptive Kalman filtering algorithm, an estimator for the GPS PN code tracking error with model bias is proposed.
By theoretical analysis, the fuzzy variable structure control system is proved to be globally stable, with tracking errors converging to a neighborhood of zero.
By theoretical(analysis, ) the closed-loop control system is proven to be semiglobally uniformly ultimately bounded, (with) tracking error converging to a residual set.
Experimental results show that the tracking error is gradually reduced to the range of small permitted value and the presented planning method is valid.
The track error of copy fund in complete copy strategy is smaller than that of reinforced fund in incomplete copy strategy.
The ramp metering rate is determined by the PID controller whose parameters are tuned by fuzzy logic according to the density tracking error and error variation.
The approximate controller gives the rough control and the neural network controller gives the complementary signal to further reduce the output tracking error.
So a compensator is constructed, which is compensates the approximation error's effect on system output at the condition of the approximation error thought as disturbance of the system.
Relative to the funds we have, I will have a higher tracking error and more active money, and probably more in medium and small sized stocks.
The fuzzy adaptive controller designed based on this method can guarantees that the closed-loop system is globally stable and the tracking error converges to a neighborhood of zero.
The fuzzy adaptive controller designed based on this method can guarantees that the closed-loop system is globally stable and the tracking error converges to a neighborhood of zero.