• 一个高高的身影突然出现身边

    A tall figure suddenly materialized at her side.


  • 厄尼看到了罗斯坐在椅子里模糊身影

    Ernie saw the dim figure of Rose in the chair.


  • 看着身影渐渐远去

    She watched his receding figure.


  • 看着身影渐渐远去

    He watched her retreating figure.


  • 皮特手电筒照射鲍勃蒙胧身影

    Pete's flashlight picked out the dim figures of Bob and Chang.


  • 向下看着躺身影

    He looked down at the recumbent figure.


  • 醒来身影正低头看。

    When I woke up there was a hulking figure staring down at me.


  • 一个缩头弓身孤独身影那个房子出来了。

    A solitary hunched figure emerged from the house.


  • 偶尔可以看见那个研究野生花草的孤独身影

    You could see the occasional solitary figure making a study of wildflowers or grasses.


  • 目光扫视房间最后停留一个入口小小的身影上。

    Her eyes scanned the room until they came to rest on a diminutive figure standing at the entrance.


  • 看到一个女人身影窗前

    I could see the figure of a woman against the window.


  • 前灯光线中看到模糊身影在汽车前周走动

    She saw his blurry figure in the headlight, walking around the front of the car.


  • 两个身影撞击岩石女孩晕倒了,男孩胳膊上

    Two small figures were beating against the rock; the girl had fainted and lay on the boy's arm.


  • 身影突然消失思念空中流转,只能通过无言文字表达

    The sudden disappearing of your figure on the screen lingers my missing in the air, which can only be conveyed with my speechless words.


  • 来回抖动使得身影忽明忽暗——一会儿活生生的孩子,一会儿像是孩子精灵——随着光忽明忽暗。

    The ray quivered to and fro, making her figure dim or distinct- now like a real child, now like a child's spirit- as the splendor went and came again.


  • 舞者身影摇摆不停

    The shadows of the dancers wavered continually.


  • 眼角看见了玻璃窗一边一个移动模糊身影

    Out of the corner of my eye I saw a blur of movement on the other side of the glass.


  • 迈克尔焦虑地顺着走廊扫视任何地方都没有威尔弗雷德的身影

    Michael glanced anxiously down the corridor, but Wilfred was nowhere to be seen.


  • 多现代功能饮料中都能看到它的身影

    It can be found in many modern energy drinks.


  • 整15分钟,格兰特翻过巨石,穿过灌木丛,从松散的泥土上滑下,之后,他发现了一个粉色的身影

    After 15 minutes of climbing over large rocks, pushing past bushes, and slipping down loose earth, Grant found a pink figure.


  • 们的放归野外,是自70年前美洲虎几乎灭绝以来阿根廷该地区首次重新出现美洲虎的身影

    Their release was the first reintroduction of jaguars in that part of Argentina since the species almost died out there 70 years ago.


  • 为什么我们教科书没有亚裔美国人身影

    Why are Asian Americans missing from our textbooks?


  • 如今,公园大道莫特可能找到针灸师身影

    Acupuncturists today are as likely to be found on Park Avenue as on Mott Street.


  • 门槛一动不动站着一个白色身影月光把它照亮了。

    On the threshhold stood a motionless white form, lighted up by the moon.


  • 突然大颗大颗的泪珠的眼睛里涌了出来,因为这个身影面前唤起了甜蜜的回忆

    Suddenly big tears rushed from his eyes, for this shape before him recalled sweet memories.


  • 现在知道它们位置——它们身影经常可以通过它们栖息树叶看到——我可以很快地认出它们

    Now that I know where they are—their silhouettes are often visible through the leaves they perch upon—I can spot them quickly.


  • 看见男人身影,一个无头男人!

    I saw the figure of a man. A man without a head!


  • 的心中永远儿子身影

    I will forever carry my son with me.


  • 蒂姆身影枫树的林中消失了。

    Tim had walked into the shade of the maple.


  • 蒂姆身影枫树的林中消失了。

    Tim had walked into the shade of the maple.


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