卡梅隆使用自己发明的实时摄影系统(Fusion Camera System)拍摄了这部影片,这一系统融合了实时动作与表演撷取技术——之前在《贝奥武夫》这类电影中已经出现过这种技术的身影。
Cameron shot Avatar on his own patented Fusion Camera System, blending live action with the sort of performance capture technology previously road-tested on the likes of Beowulf.
The Harry Potter books have sold more than 400m copies worldwide.At their peak they were sold in chemists and petrol stations.
These systemic effects are caused by a traumatic rhabdomyolysis (muscle breakdown) and the release of potentially toxic muscle cell components and electrolytes into the circulatory system.
These systemic effects are caused by a traumatic rhabdomyolysis (muscle breakdown) and the release of potentially toxic muscle cell components and electrolytes into the circulatory system.