• 躲避轰炸孩子们撤离伦敦

    Children were evacuated from London to escape the bombing.


  • 跳过了两个障碍物躲避记者

    He hurdled two barriers to avoid reporters.


  • 一心想着躲避办公室里工作

    She yearned to escape from her office job.


  • 军队房顶躲避洪水人们空运走。

    The army lifted people off rooftops where they had climbed to escape the flooding.


  • 今年初夏躲避华盛顿热浪到了缅因州

    I escaped the heatwave in Washington earlier this summer and flew to Maine.


  • 他们的祖父离开自己村庄躲避令人难以忍受的贫穷

    Their grandfather had left his village in order to escape the grinding poverty.


  • 苍蝇大脑躲避苍蝇拍有关

    The brains of flies are wired to avoid the swatter.


  • 只狡猾狐狸灵活躲避开那群狗。

    The sly fox nimbly eluded the dogs.


  • 他们打破窗户躲避火灾

    They broke the windows out to escape from the fire.


  • 小鹿:“我们为什么躲避呢?”

    The young deer laughed and said, "Why should we hide from the dogs?"


  • 多年生植物采用各种躲避机制适应干旱

    The perennial vegetation adjusts to the aridity by means of various avoidance mechanisms.


  • 动物可以通过选择一个光线明显环境躲避捕食者。

    An animal can hide from predators by choosing the light environment in which its pattern is least visible.


  • 锻炼时候我会足球打篮球躲避之类的。

    When I want to exercise, I'll play soccer, basketball, dodge ball, and things like that.


  • 它们夜间捕食不能利用光线帮忙找到猎物躲避障碍物

    They hunt at night, and cannot use light to help them find prey and avoid obstacles.


  • 大多数朋友外来躲避城市噪音烟雾交通

    Most of my friends are moving outside the city to avoid the noise, smog and traffic of the city.


  • 读到过它们为了躲避捕食者,经常喷出墨水或者类似东西。

    I read that they often hide from predators by squirting out a cloud of ink, or something like that.


  • 逐渐适应浮力看见成群结队黄色石斑鱼为了躲避梭鱼而藏潜水下方。

    As I gradually adapted to buoyancy, I saw groups of small yellow groupers hiding underneath the dive boat to avoid barracuda.


  • 一个弊端由于它们觅食期间会躲避陷阱或者通常很少遇到陷阱,有些物种无法收集到

    One disadvantage is that some species are not collected as they either avoid the traps or do not commonly encounter them while foraging.


  • 融入环境躲避敌人时,它呈现周围环境颜色海底岩石珊瑚等等

    But when it wants to blend in with its environment to hide from its enemies, it can take on the color of its immediate surroundings: the ocean floor, a rock, a piece of coral, whatever.


  • 政府托在躲避袭击时候,爆炸产生威力使天窗上导致头骨碎裂而死亡

    The government said that while Bhutto dodged the attack, the power of the blast struck her head against the car's skylight, causing her skull to crack and die.


  • 但是海洋浮游动物每天垂直运动——夜里上浮寻找食物白天下潜以躲避捕食者——可以视作迁徒

    But daily vertical movements by zooplankton in the ocean—upward by night to seek food, downward by day to escape predatorscan also be considered migration.


  • 由于筋疲力尽罗斯不得不辞掉工作搬到离家370公里以外的地方躲避Wi-Fi信号最终还是没能成功

    Being completely tired, Rose had no choice but to quit her job and moved 370 kilometers away from her home to avoid Wi-Fi signals but failed.


  • 他们被迫寻求庇护,以躲避战争

    They were forced to seek refuge from the fighting.


  • 那时没有地方可以躲避狂风暴雨。

    There was no shelter from the fury of the storm.


  • 明智地决定躲避段时间

    He sensibly decided to lie low for a while.


  • 登山运动员山洞躲避暴风雨

    The climbers took cover from the storm in a cave.


  • 人们拼命地方躲避炮火

    People were desperately seeking shelter from the gunfire.


  • 爆炸发生以后满街人都奔跑躲避

    After the explosion the street was full of people running for cover.


  • 他们他们阁楼上躲避警察

    They hid me from the police in their attic.


  • 他们费力到那边躲避

    They have dragged themselves thither for shelter.


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