• 老鼠其他动物需要来自其他动物的社会信号高度协调性这样它们才能分清哪些是可以合作朋友,哪些是躲避敌人

    Rats and other animals need to be highly attuned to social signals from others so they can identify friends to cooperate with and enemies to avoid.


  • 欺骗通常躲避借口形式

    Informal Deception, usually in the form of evasive excuses.


  • 一场自然灾难造成的难以躲避悲剧令人悲痛。

    This is a natural disaster caused by difficult to avoid the tragedy, it is sad.


  • 闪避化身招架人格化躲避的神话。

    He's the epitome of evasion, the personification of parry and the apotheosis of avoidance.


  • 现实我们只能面对忍耐毫无躲避余地。

    The reality is, we have to face and patience, there is no escape.


  • 偶数错误可以躲避错误率链路奇偶校验。

    Even-numbered errors can elude the parity check on links with high error rates.


  • 自信自尊已经荡然无存,准备迎接无法躲避的消息

    My confidence and self-esteem were shattered as I prepared myself for the inevitable news.


  • 父亲1917年治疗同事躲避病人因感染斑疹伤寒症而去世

    Her father died of typhus in 1917, after treating patients his colleagues shunned.


  • 与此同时马利基意识到了鞋子不是的,就没有作出躲避的行动

    Meanwhile, Maliki realized the shoe wasn't headed his way and didn't take evasive action.


  • 我们告诉妈妈我们遇到暴风雨,是一起茅屋躲避,就这样

    We will tell Mama that we were caught in the storm and sheltered together in the cabin, just in case.


  • 所以拖延一个更完整解释应该我们躲避任务态度考虑进去。

    So a fuller explanation of procrastination really needs to take account of our attitudes to the tasks being avoided.


  • 如果你们躲避灾难可能实际上并不存在这种情况下,你们难道还要铤而走险吗?

    Will you hazard so desperate a step while there is any possibility that any portion of the ills you fly from have no real existence?


  • 对于那些可能产生不幸结局事情,选择逆来顺受而不是逃跑躲避的方式的确可能进化力量赋予特征

    Being able to tolerate that abuse instead of shying away from interactions that might end unfortunately could indeed be a trait favored by evolutionary forces.


  • 即使命运得到最后胜利之前碰着不可躲避那时您就死。因为死就是成功,就是胜利。

    Even if fate calls before you get the final victory touched the unavoidable death, my love! Then you die. Because death is success, it is victory.


  • 面对那无可躲避的厄运的时候,位于土耳其美国监听人员听到了愤怒呼喊诅咒那些他乘坐这个拙劣太空船人们”。

    As he heads to his doom, U.S. listening posts in Turkey hear him crying in rage, "cursing the people who had put him inside a botched spaceship."


  • 今年初夏躲避华盛顿热浪到了缅因州

    I escaped the heatwave in Washington earlier this summer and flew to Maine.


  • 一心想着躲避办公室里工作

    She yearned to escape from her office job.


  • 由于筋疲力尽罗斯不得不辞掉工作搬到离家370公里以外的地方躲避Wi-Fi信号最终还是没能成功

    Being completely tired, Rose had no choice but to quit her job and moved 370 kilometers away from her home to avoid Wi-Fi signals but failed.


  • 但是海洋浮游动物每天垂直运动——夜里上浮寻找食物白天下潜以躲避捕食者——可以视作迁徒

    But daily vertical movements by zooplankton in the ocean—upward by night to seek food, downward by day to escape predatorscan also be considered migration.


  • 苍蝇大脑躲避苍蝇拍有关

    The brains of flies are wired to avoid the swatter.


  • 动物可以通过选择一个光线明显环境躲避捕食者。

    An animal can hide from predators by choosing the light environment in which its pattern is least visible.


  • 锻炼时候我会足球打篮球躲避之类的。

    When I want to exercise, I'll play soccer, basketball, dodge ball, and things like that.


  • 融入环境躲避敌人时,它呈现周围环境颜色海底岩石珊瑚等等

    But when it wants to blend in with its environment to hide from its enemies, it can take on the color of its immediate surroundings: the ocean floor, a rock, a piece of coral, whatever.


  • 逐渐适应浮力看见成群结队黄色石斑鱼为了躲避梭鱼而藏潜水下方。

    As I gradually adapted to buoyancy, I saw groups of small yellow groupers hiding underneath the dive boat to avoid barracuda.


  • 说,澳大利亚本土鱼类研究表明一种聪明生物其他动物一样知道如何躲避敌人捕捉食物

    He says his studies of Australian native fish show fish were intelligent creatures that know how to avoid enemies and catch food like any other animal.


  • 他们的祖父离开自己村庄躲避令人难以忍受的贫穷

    Their grandfather had left his village in order to escape the grinding poverty.


  • 躲避警方追捕。

    He's on the run from the police.


  • 谈到躲避灾难昆虫冠军蟑螂莫属。

    When it comes to dodging disaster, the champions of the insect world have to be cockroaches.


  • 对于战地记者来说躲避狙击手子弹家常便饭。

    For war reporters, dodging snipers' bullets is all in a day's work.


  • 对于战地记者来说躲避狙击手子弹家常便饭。

    For war reporters, dodging snipers' bullets is all in a day's work.


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