• 消耗公里最小目标建立大规模路网上空调整问题的数学模型

    The mathematics model of empty car adjustment on large scale railway network was established which aimed at the minimization of consuming wagon-kilometers.


  • 城镇主要道路评价采用交通致死率、运行事故率亿车公里死亡率三个指标结合灰色聚类分析方法进行评价。

    Combining cluster analysis of gray theory we make an evaluation on the line with three evaluation indexes: the road traffic fatality rate, run-accident rate, Million-vehicle- mortality per km.


  • 看着火车沿着铁轨拖了将近公里

    She watched the train drag her car almost a kilometer down the railway tracks.


  • 公里费用肯定汽油了,并且月中购买了很多的行驶距离,免费得到一辆的。

    The cost per kilometre will be lower than for petrol vehicles, and if you sign up for enough kilometres a month, it will throw in the car for nothing.


  • 拥抱住了新娘,说道:“宝贝对不起5公里地方抛锚了,就在新建养牛场旁边。”

    He took her in his arms and side, "I'm so sorry baby, my car suffered a breakdown 5 kilometers away near that new barn where they breed cattle."


  • 保时捷希望918Spyder行驶公里排放二氧化碳70,仅相当于一个小型城市排放量

    Porsche expects the 918 Spyder to emit 70 grams of carbon dioxide per kilometre travelled, which is about the same as the output of a tiny city car.


  • 轻车体使塔塔汽车使用了后置2缸引擎,(就像著名的平民汽车大众甲壳虫一样)从零到百公里加速仅23燃油使用率完美一加仑能行驶大约56英里24km/L),超过丰田prius混合动力车。

    (100 km/h) in 23 seconds. Fuel economy is excellent: about 56 miles per gallon (24 km/L), better than a Prius, Toyota's hybrid sedan.


  • 能行驶160公里汽车即将推出,这种车在大部分时间都能满足大多数需求

    With a range of 160km at launch the cars will, he says, satisfy the requirements of most people most of the time.


  • 杭州湾大桥穿越杭州湾,35.673公里(22英里)的长度双向车道当之无愧地成为世界最长跨海大桥。

    Crossing the Hangzhou Bay, stood the world's longest cross-sea bridge, with a length 35.673 kilometers (22 miles) and a six-lane highway in both directions.


  • 凶手在警方对其进行陆空追捕时劫持辆车乘客行驶40公里后被警方抓获。

    Triggering a land and air manhunt, he hijacked a car, freed the passengers and drove about 40 km before police found him.


  • 每天都开着这款电动车往返牛津郡附近环城公路,路程大约15公里

    "I used it mainly for my daily commute around the Oxford ringroad, which comes to about 15 miles return, " she says.


  • 马自达公司作为日本第二汽车出口商正在研发一种高性能的汽油动力车,其油耗可行驶32公里(合20英里)。

    Mazda Motor Corp., Japan's second-largest car exporter, is developing a high-performance gasoline-engine car that achieves 32 kilometers (20 miles) per liter.


  • 我的车1.2元钱公里

    Mine is 1. 2 yuan a kilometre.


  • 总得来说,这款车满电的情况可以100公里但是有时候在行驶途中发现电量下降的非常快,一点非常令人不安。

    Broadly, a 100% charge equals 100 miles, but sometimes you see a big drop when you're driving and that can be unsettling.


  • 历经三年长途跋涉,穿越 21公里险途,最高不到 0.2 公里小时速度机遇号火星车终于成功抵达火星表面奋进陨石坑

    Yesterday, after a 3-year, 21-kilometer journey at top speeds of less than 0.2 kilometer per hour, the Opportunity rover finally arrived at Mars's Endeavour crater.


  • 涉及到200公里公交车专用线路以及大规模公交路线重组城市地铁交汇。

    It involved some 200km (125 miles) of dedicated bus lanes, and the wholesale reorganisation of bus routes to integrate them with the city's metro.


  • 以96.56公里小时(60英里每小时)移动然后前面突然停止,那一小部分都很重要了。

    But when you're moving at 60 miles an hour and the car in front of you stops short, every fraction of a second counts.


  • 俄罗斯的月球车一号1970年月球登陆,1971年9月消失之前,它行进了公里

    Russian robotic rover Lunokhod 1 landed on the moon in 1970, and traveled about 6 miles (10 km) before vanishing from detection in September 1971.


  • 价格Bt320,000-400,000范围27公里燃料消费率公升,奇瑞汽车被证明未来的环保车一个严峻的竞争者

    With an price in the range of Bt320,000-400,000 and a fuel consumption rate of 27 km per litre, the Chery compact could prove to be a serious competitor to any future eco-car.


  • 价格Bt320, 000- 400,000范围27公里燃料消费率公升奇瑞汽车被证明未来的环保车一个严峻的竞争者

    With an price in the range of Bt320, 000-400, 000 and a fuel consumption rate of 27 km per litre, the Chery compact could prove to be a serious competitor to any future eco-car.


  • 帕拉的Carajás矿山码头铁路升级为可承载330车型火车3公里花费45亿里奥

    The railway from the Carajás mine in Pará state to the dockside is being upgraded to carry 330-car trains, each 3km long, at a cost of 4.5 billion reais.


  • 武汉长江隧道全长3.6公里,双线4车道预计日通行能力为5万

    The 3600m-long tunnel has 4 lanes. Its average daily traffic flow is expected to reach 50000 vehicles.


  • 一个单缸的发动机的油-电混合动力车型里,车的航程可达到220公里(120英里)至1130公里,最高时速亦可达150公里/小时。

    There is also a petrol-electric hybrid, with a single-cylinder generator that extends the range from 200km (120 miles) to 1, 130km. Top speed is 150kph.


  • 一个单缸的发动机的油-电混合动力车型里,车的航程可达到220公里(120英里)至1130公里,最高时速亦可达150公里/小时。

    There is also a petrol-electric hybrid, with a single-cylinder generator that extends the range from 200km (120 miles) to 1,130km. Top speed is 150kph.


  • 该公司说,这种“的速度4.8秒内0增加100公里每小时”。

    The car "catapults from zero to 100 kph (zero to 60 mph) in 4.8 seconds, " according to company literature.


  • 该公司说,这种“的速度4.8秒内0增加100公里每小时”。

    The car "catapults from zero to 100 kph (zero to 60 mph) in 4.8 seconds, " according to company literature.


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