• 英俊侧面轮廓我们

    His handsome profile was turned away from us.


  • 哪个方向必须发出信号

    You must signal which way you are going to turn.


  • 生意做得红火批发。

    The business thrived and he turned to wholesaling.


  • 随着工作强度工人们吃得更多了

    As the level of work increased from light to heavy, workers ate more.


  • 逃跑

    As soon as he turned his back, she would make her escape.


  • 风向西

    The wind veered to the west.


  • 一直哥伦比亚然后向东沿着哈勒姆山谷从那里跑回家

    I ran straight up to Columbia County, then turned East, came down the Harlem Valley and thence home.


  • 天空逐渐阴。

    The sky is turning cloudy.


  • He took a wrong turning.


  • 天气阴。

    It turns cloudy.


  • 故事又回到以前发生的事情。

    The story takes a jump back in time.


  • 人们曾经认为太阳地球

    It was once thought that the sun travelled around the earth.


  • 巴林飞往新加坡的班机。

    I transferred at Bahrain for a flight to Singapore.


  • 天气前,游泳不可能的。

    Swimming is out until the weather gets warmer.


  • 天空骤然,随即下起雨来

    The sky suddenly went dark and it started to rain.


  • 独木舟遇上急流打着

    The canoe found the current and swung around.


  • 母亲厨房里忙得团团

    My mother bustled around the kitchen.


  • 汽车停停车场了。

    I've left my car in the park and ride.


  • 所有资料接着计算机中。

    All the data is then dumped into the main computer.


  • 天气暖,冰雪开始融化了。

    It's starting to thaw.


  • 家里四个孩子当然得团团

    She certainly has her hands full with four kids in the house.


  • 整天等待痴心地希望回心

    I waited all day in the fond hope that she would change her mind.


  • 厨房忙得团团

    She bustled around in the kitchen.


  • 我们希望明天天气

    We're hoping for better weather tomorrow.


  • 孩子们一个劲

    The children were spinning round and round.


  • 两个引擎速都是每分钟2,500

    Both engines were running at 2,500 rpm.


  • 我们生活一个人人围着时间社会

    We live in a society where we are ruled by the clock.


  • 没有人愿意拖着装满衣服箱子到处

    Nobody wants to lug around huge suitcases full of clothes.


  • 左边救了马隆的

    He swung the car to the left and that swerve saved Malone's life.


  • 我们寒冷下雨整个城市到处

    We explored the whole town, mindless of the cold and rain.


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