It is important to cultivate poplar that can resist insect. Transgenosis technology has become main means to improve the quality of insect-resistant of present plant by creating new varieties.
It is important to cultivate poplar that can resist insect. Transgenic technology has become main means to improve the quality of insect-resistant of present plant by creating new varieties.
Gene technology has provided plant breeders with powerful new tools for manipulating the composition of plant products to improve their nutritional value and functional properties.
Transgenic technology not only makes our living standard elevated but also provides a solution to a series of previously thorny or even unsolvable conundrums.
In recent years, China has also developed a legal system to apply the safety management of the transgenic technology. This will help us improve the situation of Biosafety in China.
The theory and current molecular breeding practice in flax was summarized, including direct introduction exogenous DNA(DIED), transgenic technology and molecular maker assisted selection.
However, most of the traditional techniques for producing transgenic animal were quite complicate, high cost and little effective, which limits their extensive application.
It is undeniable that the starves exist in those countries, however the reason is not the lack of GM technology but the the uneven distribution of benefits.
With the amazing achievement in transgenic research, the genetically modified technology has been widely applied in agriculture, which created tremendous benefit to our economy and society.
This information has laid a solid foundation for using transgenic technology to cultivate new varieties of forest trees for high yield, fine quality, high stress tolerance and pest resistance.
Because generalized artificial life includes transgenic animals and clone animals, transgenic and clone techniques are the technical basic of generalized artificial life.
Some experimental protocols were introduced including mixed chimerism of allogeneic bone marrow, blockade of co-stimulation signal and transgene technology for transplantation tolerance induction.
A: it's a great example of how this technology can be used to save lives, relieve pain and suffering and improve the human condition. How can anyone be opposed to that?
Through gene transferring and somatic hybridization, cold-tolerant varieties have been obtained and the exploitation of somaclonal variation of some crops also succeeds.
A report yielded by National Planning Bureau evidenced that 79 percent of the public find transgenic technology a great invention and it practically serves as a panacea to some social problems.
Transgenic technology is a important technology of modern life science. It has been widely used to study gene function and change genetic traits of animal.
I would add that the propaganda campaign that spreads fear about biotech foods is based in the EU and as a result EU consumers have heard a lot of very frightening stories about biotechnology.
In the study, scientists used two groups of mice, one healthy and the other genetically modified to develop Alzheimer 's-like symptoms, including memory loss.
Transgenic technology is the same as any other new technology. It's a double edged sword. Although it doesn't affect people's health, but within an ecosystem, it can produce unpredictable results.
While genetic modifications 3 have in the past been mainly defended as a way to protect crops, the Arctic Apple would be one of the first GMOs marketed directly to consumers as more convenient.
Mice genetically engineered to develop cancer lived an average of 182 days when they were fed the purple tomatoes, compared to 142 days for animals on the standard diet.
A stable and efficient Agrobacterium mediated transformation system has been established which offers a base for high yield, high quality and broad resistance of disease Sugarbeet variety.
I don't think it's vital to label GM ingredients in food, but I also wouldn't be against it—and industry would be smart to go along with labeling, just as a way of removing fears about the technology.
Humanity has the necessary agro-technological tools to eradicate hunger, from genetically engineered crops to artificial fertilizers.
Humanity has the necessary agro-technological tools to eradicate hunger, from genetically engineered crops to artificial fertilizers.