• 这场争论始于21日,当时英格汉姆新西兰基因改造皇家委员会面前作证决定如何管理转基因生物

    The controversy began on 1 February, when Ingham testified before New Zealand's Royal Commission on Genetic Modification, which will determine how to regulate GM organisms.


  • 农业转基因生物安全管理办公室负责农业转基因生物进口安全管理工作。

    The Office for the safety control of agricultural transgenic living things shall be responsible for the safety control in the import of agricultural transgenic living things.


  • 美国根据自己国情,并没有制定专门联邦法律管理转基因生物安全问题

    The USA has proceeded from its own actual situations and has not formulated the special federal laws and regulations to manage the safety problems related to the transgenic biological products.


  • 第三国家农业转基因生物安全委员会负责农业转基因生物进口安全评价工作

    Article 3 the State Committee for the safety of agricultural transgenic living things shall be responsible for assessing of the safety of the import of agricultural transgenic living things.


  • 绿色和平组织一直倡导我们食物远离转基因生物鼓励消费者转基因食物

    Greenpeace has been an advocate for keeping Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO's) out of our food supply and encouraged consumers to only buy foods that are GMO-free.


  • 风险评估转基因生物环境释放依法管理一项重要内容也是生物安全研究核心内容之一。

    Risk assessment constitutes an important part in legally controlling of environmental release of transgenic organisms and is a core subject in biosafety research.


  • 我国转基因生物技术研究应用取得了长足的进步一些研究领域甚至达到国际先进水平

    GMO research and the application of the technology have made considerable progress, and even reached the international advanced level in some research fields.


  • 第三十属于农业转基因生物农产品应当按照农业转基因生物安全管理有关规定进行标识

    Article 30 agricultural products belonging to agricultural genetically modified organisms should be labeled according to the relevant regulations on safety control of such organisms.


  • 摘要概括分析了鼓励式、禁止式、允许式预警式的国家农业转基因生物安全政策特征

    Abstract: This paper generalizes the characters of promotional, preventive, permissive and precautionary safety policies of agriculture genetically modified organisms.


  • 认为转基因生物公众健康提供了潜在益处呼吁国会建立自己的“权威”,监督他们的授权

    "He added, arguing GMOs offered potential public health benefits and calling for parliament to establish its own" high authority "to oversee their authorization."


  • 随着转基因作物大规模商业种植生物的安全性问题已经成为转基因生物风险评估重要内容

    With the commercial planting of transgenic plants on a large scale, their impacts on non-target organisms have become an important part of risk assessment of transgenic organisms.


  • 安全评价表明这些获准应用进口转基因生物和非转基因生物都具有同样安全性大家可以放心食用

    Their safety assessment indicates that these GMOs approved for application and import have the same level of safety as their non-GMO counterparts, all can eat them with reassurance.


  • 围绕转基因生物(GMOs)辩论激烈的,反对者的其中一个论点就是转基因生物是非自然的不同物种基因混合

    The debate over genetically modified organisms (GMOs) is heated. One of the arguments against them is that it is unnatural to mix genes from different species.


  • 为了清晰以及一致性不能标识含有转基因生物转基因生物组成转基因生物加工而成产品标识为有机产品。

    For the sake of clarity and coherence, it should not be possible to label a product as organic where it has to be labelled as containing GMOs, consisting of GMOs or produced from GMOs.


  • 这场争论开始于二月一号当时英格·汉姆新西兰转基因皇家委员会(一个决定如何规范转基因生物的组织)作证

    The controversy began on 1 February, when Ingham testified before New Zealand's Royal Commission on Genetic Modification, which will determine how to regulate GM organisms. CET-6, 2005.6.


  • AlexeySurov表示,“我们没有权利使用转基因生物直到我们了解可能产生的不利影响不仅自己而且后代。”

    Alexey Surov says, "we have no right to use GMOs until we understand the possible adverse effects, not only to ourselves but to future generations as well."


  • 大会在职权范围内的惟一协议起草2003年卡塔赫纳(哥仑比亚港口城市),寻求规避转基因生物造成的破坏的方法,而这并不是头等威胁

    The only protocol drawn up under its remit, in Cartagena in 2003, seeks to avert damage by genetically modified organisms; not a front-rank threat.


  • 信中这些诺贝尔获得者——除了其中10名,其他物理学化学医学领域获奖者——认为转基因生物一直被证明安全的。

    In the letter, the laureates - all but 10 of whom earned their prizes in the fields of physics, chemistry or medicine - contend that GMOs have consistently been found to be safe.


  • 基因工程批评家们支持者们表示美国国内转基因生物争论上,观点已呈两极化,“北极苹果”的试售可能会这一局面的转折点。

    Critics and advocates of genetic engineering say that the apple could be a turning point in the nation's highly polarizing debate over genetically modified organisms (GMOs).


  • 基因工程批评家们支持者们表示美国国内转基因生物争论上,观点已呈两极化,“北极苹果”的试售可能会这一局面的转折点。

    Critics and advocates of genetic 2 engineering say that the apple could be a turning point in the nation's highly polarizing debate over genetically modified organisms (GMOs).


  • 巴西大豆出口商担心主要粮食港口巴拉实施转基因生物禁令情况下,创纪录的大豆收成使港口的后勤服务未来几个月陷入极度因境。

    Brazilian soy exporters are concerned that a ban on genetically modified organisms at the main grains port of Paranagua and a record soy crop will lead to a logistics nightmare in coming months.


  • 巴西大豆出口商担心主要粮食港口巴拉实施转基因生物禁令情况下,创纪录的大豆收成使港口的后勤服务未来几个月陷入极度因境。

    Brazilian soy exporters are concerned that a ban on genetically modified organisms at the main grains port of Paranagua and a record soy crop will lead to a logistics nightmare in coming months.


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