• 顶级超市禁止销售许多转基因食品

    Top supermarkets are to ban many genetically modified foods.


  • 根据安排一个关于转基因的演讲

    She is due to deliver a lecture on genetic engineering.


  • 这些恐惧大多言过其实:就转基因的非理性恐惧一样,其实一般来讲,我们人类足够英明,能够快速小心处理好这些问题。

    These fears are mostly exaggerated: as with hysteria about genetic modification, we humans are generally wise enough to manage these problems with speed and care.


  • 重要支持者认为许多环保主义者转基因反对根本就是反科学的,那些质疑人为气候变化基本原理的人没有什么不同

    More than that, supporters see the GM opposition of many environmentalists as fundamentally anti-science, no different than those who question the basics of man-made climate change.


  • 一些乳制品公司牛奶产品上贴上“非转基因标签然而事实上所有牛奶都天然转基因的,而“非转基因”只是个让人们对食物产生不必要恐慌的标签。

    Some dairy companies are using the "non-GMO" label on their milk, despite the fact that all milk is naturally GMO-free, another label that creates unnecessary fear around food.


  • 食品杂货制造商联盟当前美国传统加工食品转基因大约占了80%,只是没有标明而已。

    The Grocery Manufacturers Association estimates that GMOs currently are in approximately 80% of conventional processed foods in the United States, but they are not labeled.


  • 美国反活体解剖协会其他动物权利保护组织一直创造转基因和其他动物的尝试持批判态度

    The American Anti-Vivisection Society and other animal rights groups have been critical of efforts to create genetically modified dogs, cats, and other animals.


  • 商界科学家农民都希望转基因技术能够培育更多具有价格优势,而且现今培育技术无法培育的动植物。

    Businesspeople, scientists, and farmers hope that transgenic techniques will help cultivate more cost-effective plants and animals that are not available with the use of current breeding technology.


  • 也许一个转基因西红柿由于包含西红柿基因细菌基因的全新组合我们健康造成全然未预见到的影响

    Perhaps consuming a GM tomato will have some completely unforeseen and unexpected effect on our health due to its novel combination of tomato and bacterial genes.


  • 假如推广转基因企业不仅主要受益人而且惟一的受益人,本来就持怀疑态度公众还有什么理由支持转基因呢?

    Why should a sceptical public support GM when the businesses promoting it are not only the principal beneficiaries but also probably the only ones?


  • 名为tegon转基因的雌性小猎犬会在紫外线照射发出明亮的绿色荧光根据Genesis杂志发表篇论文

    A genetically modified female beagle named Tegon glows bright fluorescent green under ultraviolet light, according to a paper published in the journal Genesis.


  • 不管我们牛奶传统还是转基因,我们里的“化学物质汤”近乎相同的:脂肪蛋白各色基因片段混合物

    That gastric chemical soup will be an almost identical mixture of sugars, fats, proteins and fragments of assorted genes whether the milk we drank was conventional or gm.


  • 自然食品存在优势便是天然生产简便性对于那些自然的来说,适应转基因东西不是他们开心事。

    The presence of natural food is its natural advantages, and ease of production, for the most people seeking a natural, genetically modified to adapt to what is not a happy thing for them.


  • 与世界其他发达国家形成了强烈的对比,他们对于转基因东西有着苛刻的限制完全禁止因为他们认为转基因的东西已被证实安全

    This is in sharp contrast to most other developed nations around the world, where there are significant restrictions or outright bans on GMOs because they're not considered proven safe.


  • 公众对于植物基因学争论几乎全部聚焦于转基因正负两个方面影响,绝大多数是负面影响。 转基因通常就是把种属基因注入到里个种属里。

    The public debate on plant genetics focuses almost entirely on the pros and cons (mostly cons) of genetic modification—putting a gene from one species into another.


  • 我们很多可能在不知不觉食用转基因成分食物

    Many of us may be eating food containing GM ingredients without realizing it.


  • 希望看到玉米非商业作物的转基因研究

    I'd like to see GM research on less commercial crops, like corn.


  • 表示自己意识很多不想转基因作物她正在推进每种可用工具直到其中一种发挥作用

    She says she is aware that plenty of people do not want to eat genetically modified crops, but she is pushing ahead with every available tool until one works.


  • 基于这种观点许多欧洲国家正在限制转基因农产品种植进口

    Taking that view, many European countries are restricting the cultivation and importation of genetically modified agricultural products.


  • 英格汉姆声称一种普通土壤细菌转基因版本如果被释放野外可能会传播摧毁植物

    Ingham claimed that a GM version of a common soil bacterium could spread and destroy plants if released into the wild.


  • 双方来说,转基因食品似乎一个标志支持农业企业还是反对科学的企业。

    For both sides, GM foods seem to act as a symbol: you're pro-agricultural business or anti-science.


  • 满足日益增长全球人口需求需要付出努力,持续地提供粮食对于支持者来说转基因作物努力的一个关键部分

    To supporters, GM crops are a key part of the effort to sustainably provide food to meet a growing global population.


  • 转基因农作物人工肥料人类拥有消除饥饿必要农业技术工具

    Humanity has the necessary agro-technological tools to eradicate hunger, from genetically engineered crops to arificial fertilizers.


  • 人类拥有必要农业技术工具消除饥饿转基因作物人工肥料

    Humanity has the necessary agro-technological tools to eradicate hunger, from genetically engineered crops to artificial fertilizers.


  • 某些转基因玉米品种可以生产一种天然杀虫剂保护玉米免受以玉米为食的昆虫的侵害。

    Certain genetically modified strains of maize produce a natural insecticide that protects against maize-eating insects.


  • 公众转基因食品引进开展了广泛讨论

    There has been widespread public debate over the introduction of genetically modified food.


  • 公众转基因食品引进开展了广泛讨论

    There has been widespread public debate over the introduction of genetically modified food.


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