• 转基因食品方面,科学恰恰更为我们所需所以高兴看到自然》杂志专门发表了一系列关于转基因食品争议文章

    Science is exactly what we need more of when it comes to GM foods, which is why I was happy to see Nature devote a special series of articles to the GM food controversy.


  • 2002年南部非洲发生转基因食品援助危机一些国家主要出于社会经济方面考虑允许接受转基因食品援助,这种情况证明有必要扩大评估的范围。

    The GM food aid crisis in southern Africa in 2002, where a number of countries did not permit GM food aid as a result of mostly socio-economic concerns, illustrates the need for broader evaluations.


  • 美国,人们正在起诉美国食品药品管理局掩盖转基因食品安全性研究结果,这些研究结果表明食用转基因食品可能导致危险

    In the US, the American food and Drug Administration is currently being prosecuted for covering up research that suggested possible risks from ge foods.


  • 由于人们转基因(GM)食品安全和不可预期后果还心存疑虑,所以这类作物欧洲非洲部分地区推广速度还不是很快,尽管转基因作物在美国种植已很普遍,转基因食品也为大众所接受

    Concerns about safety and unexpected consequences have led to a slow rate of adoption in Europe and parts of Africa, although GM crops are already widely planted and consumed in the US.


  • 拒绝转基因食品简单的方法就是购买有机食品,尽管贴着有机食品标签可并不能说明他们没有转基因成分字面意思上理解,它们还是有别于其他食品的。

    The easiest way to avoid genetically modified food is to buy organic - foods labeled organic cannot intentionally have biotech ingredients. But note the word intentionally.


  • 为了支持中国转基因食品行业,全国已经有数百志愿者参加了转基因食品试吃活动。

    Hundreds of volunteers across China have participated in tastings of genetically modified (GM) foodstuffs in an attempt to support the country's GM food industry.


  • 含有转基因成分食品可能不能立即引起消费者注意因为如果其中转基因成分低于食品的1%,有关规定要求贴标签

    Foods containing GM ingredients may not be immediately apparent to the consumer, because if the GM ingredients constitute less than 1% of the product, there is no requirement for such labelling.


  • 一方面反对者他们认为转基因食品我们健康有害因为潜在威胁某些物种可能影响基因漂移转基因食品可能会引起过敏反应

    On the other are the opponentswho believe that GMF is harmful to our health because it's potential threatsuch as some species may be affected by the drift of genesGMF may cause allergic reactions.


  • 相反撤销了对于转基因食品的限制,裁定转基因食品它们对应的非转基因食品实质等同”因而需要任何特殊安全试验

    Instead, it de-regulated GM foods, ruling that they are substantially equivalent to their non-GM counterparts and do not require any special safety testing.


  • 无论是纸质媒体还是在线媒体上,转基因食品安全性一个被激烈争论的问题,公众转基因食品安全性表示严重关切

    The safety of GM food is hotly debated across traditional and online media, with the public expressing grave concerns over the safety of GM foodstuffs.


  • 转基因食品广泛抵抗导致美国转基因玉米转基因大豆出口下降饥饿非洲国家甚至接受作为食物援助转基因食品

    Widespread resistance to GM foods has resulted in a global showdown. U. S. exports of genetically modified corn and soy are down, and hungry African nations won't even accept the crops as food aid.


  • 本文通过转基因食品未来人类生存重要作用探讨进一步阐述转基因食品巨大开发潜力

    This paper aims to discuss the important role played by transgenic food in peoples future life and future elaborate the huge development potential of transgenic food.


  • 综述转基因食品人类健康生态环境可能存在潜在危害讨论了有关转基因食品安全性争论

    This article reviewed the possible harm of CM food to the health of mankind and ecological environment, discussed the arguments on the safety of CM food in the world.


  • 此外已经准许销售转基因食品国家尚未出现由于摄入转基因食品大众健康产生危害情况。

    In addition, no effects on human health have been shown as a result of the consumption of such foods by the general population in the countries where they have been approved.


  • 转基因食品进行分类基础上,论述转基因食品存在技术优势潜在的安全问题,指出转基因食品具有广阔的发展前景。

    Based on the classification of Genetically Modified food, its technological innovation and safety assurance are expounded, concluding that such food will be widely consumed.


  • 转基因食品标识制度选择中,消费者权益一个重要考量因素,要求转基因食品进行强制标识的群体往往以此诉求

    In the selection of a certain GM food labeling system, consumers 'rights and interests are an important factors, for which the people insisting on mandatory labeling appeal.


  • 这样,对于那些要求转基因食品添加标签国家现在禁止转基因食品销售的国家,极有可能面临世界贸易组织严重制裁

    That way, countries which require labeling of GM foods, or which ban it outright, will likely face crippling World Trade Organizations sanctions.


  • 随着生物技术不断进步转基因食品种类数量不断增加,有关转基因食品安全性争论备受关注

    With the progress on biotechnology, kind and quantity of genetically modified foods (GMF) have been increasing. People pay most attention to the debate on GMFs' safety.


  • 转基因食品人类带来巨大利益同时,也可能产生一系列风险本文转基因食品人类带来利弊分析

    Transgenic food, which benefits people enormously, can make a series of danger possibly. So we make an analysis of the pros and cons of transgenic food on man in this article.


  • 为什么欧洲近乎所有的地方没有转基因食品转基因作物美国超市中75%食品包括许多称之为自然”的食品受到转基因污染?

    Why are there basically no genetically engineered foods or crops anywhere in Europe, while 75% of U. S. supermarket foods - including many so-called "natural" foods - are GE-tainted?


  • 为了转基因食品进行有效管理各国全面分析转基因食品利弊得失基础上制定了相应管理政策法规

    In order to effectively manage to GMF, countries on the basis of the comprehensive analysis of GMF's advantages and disadvantages are formulating corresponding management policies and regulations.


  • 消费者角度分析转基因食品研究内容包括:消费者转基因食品态度影响因素;消费者转基因食品支付意愿

    The contents of the research on GM food from consumers perspective include consumers attitudes to GM food, the influencing factors, and the consumers WTP for GM food.


  • 其次重点分析我国转基因食品法律规制现状提出完善我国转基因食品法律规制制度的建议

    Third, we need to focus on the status quo of China's legal regulation on genetically-modified food and provides suggestions to improve China's legal regulation on genetically-modified food.


  • 其次重点分析我国转基因食品法律规制现状提出完善我国转基因食品法律规制制度的建议

    Third, we need to focus on the status quo of China's legal regulation on genetically-modified food and provides suggestions to improve China's legal regulation on genetically-modified food.


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