The best estimate is that putting people on a spacecraft multiplies the cost ten-fold.
Objective To verify reliability and safety of the crew support facilities on board manned spacecraft.
载人飞船成功地发射了一颗人 造地球卫星,这在航天史上尚属首次。
For the first time in the annals of spacer a piloted ship had succeeded in launching an earth satellite.
But while higher is better from a fuel conservation perspective, there is an upper limit on how high it is safe to orbit humans for long periods.
Shenzhou VII manned spacecraft will be launched in 2008, when Chinese astronauts will conduct space walk for the first time emerged from the capsule.
On the reasonable assumption of match AOA (Angle of attack) flight, the mathematics simulation model of the reentry flight of a spaceship is formulated in this paper.
The MPCV is currently at Lockheed Martin's facility in Denver, undergoing testing.
The pusher escape system protects crew in the event of a catastrophic failure of the launch vehicle, enabling the crew vehicle to carry the crew to safety.
Objective To simulate the water environment during floating status after astronauts returned and splashed down on the sea because of space capsule emergency in the launching stage.
This has been an important motive behind China 's recent push to become a space power, with the launch of two manned orbital craft in 2003 and 2005.
But India is not the only Asian country in the new space race - Iran recently announced that it will attempt a manned space flight by 2021.
The capsule, or the Orion Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle (MPCV), is based on designs from the scrapped Constellation program, which would have aimed for the moon.
By 2020, an 80-ton space station will be completed, consisting of the core module, laboratory, node cabin, manned spacecraft and cargo ship.
Investigations and experiments indicate that charring ablators provide the most efficient thermal protection shield for the re-entry vehicles.
As a key of recovery and landing subsystem of manned spacecraft, high reliability of the pyrotechnics is demanded.
High Alphabet modulation is a new modulation method, which is very suitable for safety remote control aboard missile, launch vehicle, manned or unmanned spacecraft, etc.
The failure was caused by a problem with the Progress' Soyuz rocket, which is similar to the one Russia uses to launch its crew-carrying vehicle — also called Soyuz — to the station.
The failure was caused by a problem with the Progress' Soyuz rocket, which is similar to the one Russia uses to launch its crew-carrying vehicle — also called Soyuz — to the station.