In software development, the intent is not to follow particular procedures or to meet explicit exit criteria and defect Numbers.
Although Russia can also launch the required number of satellites, the entire GLONASS cluster will not be equally effective as GPS satellites, and will not match their standards in the near future.
The Android Market pales in comparison to Apple's app Store based on number of apps, but that doesn't mean the quality of apps available to Android users aren't up to snuff.
The navy insists that it is already at or near the minimum needed to be a coherent maritime force (it already has less than a tenth of the number of ships it boasted in 1945).
How to communicate the results of their qualitative and quantitative instruments to an agent, comparing them with the benchmarks needing to be reached for the center to realize its program's goal.
Through active promotion of the standard, production and construction requirements on power material procurement are met in quality, quantity and delivery schedule and the procurement cost is lowered.
The examination result showed that apoptosis cell quantity was very few, it explained constructs the cell which in the cell bank preserves to achieve the high quality cell standard.
Conservationists now believe captive Numbers are strong enough to seriously consider wild reintroduction programs. An ideal panda habitat would be in the Sichuan Mountains of southwestern China.
Illegally occupying and damaging the forestland as prescribed in item (1) or (2) of the present Article, which separately amounts to more than 50% of the quantity standards in the relevant provisions;
They also knew a lot of female business owners who were left out because they couldn't meet YPO's membership criteria, a minimum number of employees and so many millions in annual revenues "."
They also knew a lot of female business owners who were left out because they couldn't meet YPO's membership criteria, a minimum number of employees and so many millions in annual revenues "."