These two girls had been above an hour in the place, happily employed in visiting an opposite milliner, watching the sentinel on guard, and dressing a sallad and cucumber.
Where it's popular: Japan. Made from smoked, dried shavings of tuna, the flavorful broth is used as a base for soups and sauces and is a traditional remedy for colds and fatigue.
Because straight gin can be a bit harsh for new drinkers to handle, vodka is often used as a substitute for popular flavored martini cocktails, such as apple or chocolate.
The new techniques include oversampling technique in digitalization of seismic wave form, spectrum contraction technique in data - transmitting and error-controlling and so on.
The architecture and design methods of - modulators are studied . based on it , the bits of quantizer , oversampling - ratio and the orders of modulator have been designed.
Double space vector modulation and overmodulation of matrix converter were proposed in this paper to ensure the matrix converter switching frequency to be fixed and fast dynam-ic torque response.
After the combination of direct flux control algorithms and over-modulation technique, a rapid dynamic torque response characteristic is also achieved in the flux-weakening control areas.
After the combination of direct flux control algorithms and over-modulation technique, a rapid dynamic torque response characteristic is also achieved in the flux-weakening control areas.