Clay was seventy years old. He knew it would be his last chance to get into the White House.
对来自苏格兰的小伙来说,这是他到一家律师楼任职前的最后一次旅行机会了。 “如果有人问,今年夏天你干了什么?
For the Scottish lad it was the last chance before taking up a position with a law firm: "When asked what did you do this summer, it would be nice to say I went to a folk festival in Macedonia."
I felt it was maybe the last opportunity for me to see them.
It's Bill's last chance to kick up his heels, you know — he's getting married the next morning.
Anyways, it's a chance, and I must hold it on. In one way, it's my last chance.
Your school said this is the last chance in this year, but you'll have to take the SAT next month, it seems there isn't much time.
Flora: She's always wanted to, dear, and this is her last chance.
他给了亚当一些安眠药,微笑地对他说: :“亚当,尽情享受睡眠吧,这是你最后一次可以享受这种安静,没有噪音的睡觉机会了。”
He gave Adam some sleeping-pills smilely, said: "Adam, enjoy the sleep, this is the last chance that you could enjoy a peacefully sleep without any noise. ""
Okay, this is our last dry run - the show opens tomorrow. So come on, people, be serious! This is your last chance to improve before we have a live audience sitting out there.
Okay, this is our last dry run - the show opens tomorrow. So come on, people, be serious! This is your last chance to improve before we have a live audience sitting out there.