• 上面所述,我们进化开发方式充分地进行回归测试

    As I indicated above, we regression test thoroughly with an evolutionary approach to development.


  • 可以对镜像进行单独的保存并且可以轻松地恢复它们以便进行回归测试调试。

    Images can be saved away, and brought back easily for regression or debug purposes.


  • 进行回归测试需要的(再有依据实际情况),自动化回归测试也可能是有帮助的。

    A significant regression testing effort may be needed (again, depending on the situation), and automated regression testing may be useful.


  • 例如代码进行更改时,确保进行回归测试,从而确保不会破坏程序中的任何代码。

    For example, when you make a change in the code, make sure you do regression testing to be sure you did not break any other code in the program.


  • 最后XML关系模式分离——即改变XML结构需要所有内容进行回归测试

    Finally, it keeps XML and relational schemas separate — there's no need to regression test everything when you've only changed the XML structure.


  • 特性团队应该有权平台组件进行回归测试这样他们就可以在提交更改本地针就不同配置环境生成产品。

    Feature teams should have access to the regression tests of the platform components so that they can build locally against different configurations before they commit their changes.


  • 12基础缺陷百分比缺陷,这种现象可能表明先前版本测试不够充分,我们应该基础代码进行回归测试

    Figure 12: The higher percentage of Base defects than New defects may indicate that the previous release is not sufficiently tested, and we should perform a regression test on the base coding.


  • 不过每个发行版本核心定义稍有不同,意味着宣称应用程序支持某个给定的发行版本时,总是需要进行回归测试

    However, each distribution's definition of core could vary slightly, which means that regression testing is always necessary when claiming your application is supported on a given distribution.


  • 使用一个新的基于XML系统——TestScenario——重用单元测试进行回归测试,功能测试,负载测试服务监控无需额外编码

    TestScenario is a new XML-based system to reuse unit tests as regression tests, functional tests, load tests, integration tests, and service monitors requiring no coding.


  • 除了这个自动化回归测试套件外,我们进行更广泛的手工测试

    In addition to this automated regression test suite we also do extensive manual testing as well.


  • 回归测试选择需要自动化的测试既是门科学又是艺术而且为了有效地进行选择,花费时间学习一些策略重要的。

    Choosing which tests to automate for regression testing is both a science and an art, and it's important for you to spend time learning some strategies for doing it effectively.


  • 无论使用什么系统,无论在将应用程序部署生产环境中时进行什么样功能回归测试仍然会碰到一些无法避免的错误

    Regardless of what system you use and what functional and regression testing you do when your application is deployed for production, you can still get errors that are unavoidable.


  • 既然已经源代码放在CVS存储库中了,可以进行任何必要更改同时保留以前的版本比较回归测试

    Now that you have your source code resides in a CVS repository, you can make any and all necessary changes while preserving previous versions for comparison and regression testing.


  • 项目经理通常不提供测试人员进行回归任务

    Usually the project manager provides the tester with the job of guarding against this regression.


  • 没有合适的自动化测试方法,就难以可靠地再现测试结果进行高效地回归

    Without appropriate automated testing, test results cannot be reproduced reliably and regressed efficiently.


  • 可以Web应用程序进行功能性能回归测试

    You can use it for functional, performance, and regression testing of Web applications.


  • 仍然希望进行测试这样可以完整回归套件中获得信心必须编写一些代码然后编写测试

    I still want to have a test so I can have the confidence that comes from a full regression suite, but I have to write some code first, then write a test.


  • 例如如果采用迭代递增式的方法进行开发那么需要高度支持回归测试测试工具

    For example, if you're taking an iterative and incremental approach to development, you need testing tools that strongly support regression testing.


  • 通过分析发现由于手工测试时间限制,只进行很少回归

    During analysis, you discover that very little regression testing is being completed because of time constraints involved with manual testing.


  • 例如一个引进代码变更需要运行自动化测试进行回归确认

    For example, a newly introduced change in code requires you to run the automation to verify that there are no regressions.


  • 对于每一个手动回归测试我们应该评估运行成本(比如需要多少工作量完成测试),同时评估发现任何重要缺陷可能性二者进行权衡。

    For each manual regression test we should evaluate the cost of the test (i.e. how much work it is to do the test) vs the likelihood that any important defects will be discovered.


  • 之通过接口连接外部应用程序需要进行修改回归测试

    External and interfacing applications require modifications and regression testing, too.


  • Cem Caner等人定义发布了多种方法21系统进行测试计划确定设计测试方法,进行系统回归测试

    Cem Caner et al. have defined and published various methods 21 for systematically planning for tests, identifying and designing test ideas, and doing systematic regression testing.


  • 回归纳入经济/金融变量以及线性样条时间变量设置进行测试外部系列

    Regressions incorporating the economic/financial variables as well as a linear spline in time variable are set up for testing the externality series.


  • 动态测试数据处理,常常要进行稳健回归分析最小最大值回归分析。

    Robust regression analysis and minimax residual error analysis are two aspects in data processing of dynamic measurement.


  • 本文膨润土颗粒悬浮态下干燥实验测试数据,对该类物料的干燥机理进行剖析此基础上回归一个半理论半经验的干燥动力学模型

    With the analysis on the drying mechanism of sodium based bentonite, a semi-theoretical kinetic model is regressed by using the experimental data of drying the material in suspended state.


  • 本文还设计了一个标准收入测算系统,该系统主要包括利用粗集理论因素进行约简多元回归分析、BP网络训练BP网络测试四个测算模块

    The system mainly consist of four modules: the factor collect reduction based on rough set, multiple linear regression, BP net training and BP net test.


  • 但是对于常规系统(一般4)测试资料两种方法应用需要进行作图特定线性回归处理。

    But for materials of the general system well testing (often 4 points), description and special linear regression should be used in these two ways.


  • 但是对于常规系统(一般4)测试资料两种方法应用需要进行作图特定线性回归处理。

    But for materials of the general system well testing (often 4 points), description and special linear regression should be used in these two ways.


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