Some animals use color as a warning to make predators stay away.
As with real icebergs, the best tactic is to steer clear of the problem wherever possible.
Proteins tend to form structures that keep hydrophobic parts buried internally, away from the water they're dissolved in.
Junk food is a fatal killer for our health so that we should stay far from them.
There's a look a the most poisonous plants out there! I hope when you run across one, you'll know to stay away.
The shipping area for sterilized product shall be separate and apart from any raw product receiving area.
What are your best tips for remembering to water plants? For keeping bugs off them? Do you grow herbs? I can use all the advice I can get.
Simply move away from the following force, keeping the head as far away as possible whilst keeping the segments within attacking range.
This is slightly more vulnerable than level one, but because we're not sharing our own opinions we can distance ourselves from the opinion if we feel threatened by criticism or rejection.
While we wouldn't suggest you give up all your leisure time, here's a few time sucks almost everybody gets pulled into, and a quick tip to get you back out of them.
Thanks to a greater public awareness of the health risks associated with trans fats, avoiding them may be much easier for Americans in the near future.
惠灵顿(法新社) ——新西兰国家博物馆星期二警告怀孕或经期妇女远离它们的一些展品否则有遭遇毛利愤怒灵魂的危险。
WELLINGTON (AFP) – New Zealand's national museum on Tuesday warned pregnant or menstruating women to stay away from some of its exhibits or risk an encounter with angry Maori spirits.
境随心变,还是心随境变? 如同铁轨和它上面奔驰的火车,当我们静静地坐在列车上时,是窗外的世界不断离我们远去,还是我们正在远离它们?
Think of a train track and moving train; does the world pass by while we sit still, or is it the reverse?
Those colors don't just look attractive; they tell their enemies to stay away.
When the Hawaiian Islands emerged from the sea as volcanoes, starting about five million years ago, they were far removed from other landmasses.
That's the story The Angry Birds Movie wants to tell. The birds live on an island far away from the rest of the world and they know nothing of the outside world.
Theme parks are undergoing other changes, too, as they try to present more serious social and cultural issues, and move away from fantasy.
We're doing these things because we know they help people stay off benefits and help those on benefits get into work faster.
Sleeping deep underwater helps these seals stay safe from animals that hunt them near the surface.
Sometimes hungry elephants damage crops but usually they keep away from human beings.
A harvest of the shoots would remove the toxic compounds off site to be burned or composted to recover the metal for industrial uses.
They can give people some warning to keep away from a dangerous tornado.
They made a chair with their hands and carried Dorothy through the flowers to the grass far enough from the poppy field.
These attractants would lure the mosquito into traps, away from their human targets.
Even after air masses move far from their original breeding ground source, they may still be recognized by their characteristics.
Even after air masses move far from their original breeding ground source, they may still be recognized by their characteristics.