• 迪拜阿联酋七个酋长国之一,拥有人工修建棕榈岛以及位于沙漠中的室内滑雪场,让其名噪一时。

    Dubai, one of seven members of the United Arab Emirates, gained a reputation for excess with the creation of man-made islands shaped like palms and an indoor ski slope in the desert.


  • 迪拜建有全球最高建筑、建有酒店棕榈岛以及全球一家七星级酒店,却经常数千间的酒店客房空置的,游客数量遭遇瓶颈。

    Dubai, which built the world's tallest building, palm-shaped islands with hotels and the world's first seven-star hotel, has thousands of empty hotel rooms and visitor levels are stagnant.


  • 人们担心Nakheel公司可能无法继续开发棕榈岛及其邻近的一些项目进而留给迪拜及其沿海水域堆烂摊子。

    The concern is that Nakheel will be unable to continue developing the Palm and neighbouring projects, leaving Dubai and its coastal waters an ugly, unfinished construction site.


  • 明星运动员们纷纷购买位于迪拜朱美拉棕榈岛(一个海湾高档住宅区)别墅,据悉,这其中就有大卫·贝克汉姆布拉德·皮特

    David Beckham and Brad Pitt are believed to be among the celebrities and sportsmen who bought villas in Palm Jumeirah in Dubai, a luxury development that juts out into the Gulf.


  • 迪拜棕榈岛人工群岛利用土地复垦技术建造而成。

    Palm islands, an artificial group of islands, are being constructed using land reclamation techniques, in Dubai.


  • 棕榈岛这样近海人工岛建成之后,迪拜世界除了规模大之外,气势更宏伟

    Following on the successful completion of other offshore artificial island communities like the Palm Islands, Dubai's World Islands was intended to be even more ambitious, not to mention larger.


  • 这个耗资30亿美元项目位于迪拜媒体技术自由区,它俯瞰珠美拉棕榈岛占地140万平方米

    The 3 billion USD project overlooks the pal jumeriah and covers 1.4 million square meters of the Dubai media and technology free zone.


  • 偿还棕榈岛集团(Nakheel)sukuk债券剩下用于偿还迪拜世界其他供应商承包商

    The money left over after the Nakheel sukuk is repaid will go to Dubai World’s suppliers and contractors, who endured a standstill on payments long before the company asked the same of its creditors.


  • 棕榈岛位于阿联酋迪拜,是世界上最大人工岛屿群,目前正在建设

    The Palm Islands are the largest artificial islands in the world and are under construction in Dubai, in the United Arab Emirates.


  • 迄今为止迪拜已经建造了棕榈树形状的人工群岛,每棵“树”还都新月状的条纹环绕。第三座岛的建设也在规划之中

    To date, there are two palm-tree-shaped islands crowned with sandy crescent strips with a planned third one on the way.


  • 客房套房公寓酒店提供阿拉伯海湾棕榈岛观点之间选择,和令人敬畏迪拜滨海天际线

    Rooms, suites, and hotel apartments offer a choice between views of the Arabian Gulf, Palm Jumeirah, and awe-inspiring Dubai Marina skyline.


  • 可能再也没有哪个建筑物能像迪拜棕榈岛这样高大建筑物一样表现那种原始冲动了,纯粹是人类的骄傲。

    Perhaps no structure on this list more embodies the original impulse behind the tall building — pure human hubris — than Dubai's Palm Islands.


  • 阿布扎比昨日市场为之一振。该国决定迪拜提供100亿美元的救援资金,使迪拜得以避免困境中的国有地产开发商棕榈岛集团(Nakheel)陷入违约窘境

    Abu Dhabi cheered markets yesterday by extending a bn bail-out to Dubai, enabling its fellow emirate to avoid an embarrassing slide into default by troubled state-owned property developer Nakheel.


  • 阿布扎比昨日市场为之一振。该国决定迪拜提供100亿美元的救援资金,使迪拜得以避免困境中的国有地产开发商棕榈岛集团(Nakheel)陷入违约窘境

    Abu Dhabi cheered markets yesterday by extending a bn bail-out to Dubai, enabling its fellow emirate to avoid an embarrassing slide into default by troubled state-owned property developer Nakheel.


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