Much research has explored the ways we make moral decisions.
Not moral decision, for nine times out of ten we decide for convention likewise.
There are, therefore, no universal moral truths, no fixed and irresistible human goals, which can serve as signposts for correct moral decision.
The ethics committee may take a decision to admonish him or to censure him.
It feels morally questionable, yet claims of genetic selection by intelligence are making headlines.
Making ethical decisions is a critical part of avoiding future problems.
The experiment highlights the importance of morality: without it, how can a robot decide whom to save or what's best for humanity, especially if it can't calculate survival odds?
Was my decision the most ethical thing I have ever done, or am I a fruitcake?
This moral observation would have no place in a rule book were it not that style is the writer, and therefore what you are, rather than what you know, will at last determine your style.
It is a moral issue because decisions by the present generation will have a profound effect on future generations.
Is this really tolerance? Or is it rather a form of moral decay that has simply decided to abandon the search for truth? And standards of judgment?
That is one of the standard moral dilemmas that scientists are using to study how people decide between right and wrong.
In previous eras, ethical standards were such that lawyers would rarely act in suspect cases.
You can object to Bush's stem-cell decision because you believe embryos have no moral standing, or to Obama's decision because you think they do.
寓言中,游戏最初15分钟,你选择站在法律守护者一边,或者因个人所得会受损而反对他。 这样的决定将在15年后,改变你故乡的道德进程。
In Fable, decisions made in the first 15 minutes of play (will you side with lawkeepers or cause mischief for personal gain?) change the moral tenor of your home town 15 years later.
In Arkin's system a robot trying to determine whether or not to fire would be guided by an "ethical governor" built into its software.
If you decide to visit a zoo ask whether it adheres to the World Association of Zoos and Aquariums' Code of Ethics before you enter.
Future military robots endowed with ethical programs might be able to decide on their own when, and at whom, to shoot.
We need this urgent reminder because in those seconds when we decide to purchase another piece of life's apparatus we are strikingly effective at suppressing any ethical doubt over its provenance.
Faced with such dilemmas in the minds of their subjects, the researchers were able to examine what went on inside each person's head as they made decisions based on moral beliefs.
Until very recently, however, science could not explain how brains, built by gene networks interacting with the environment, give rise to morality.
Whether Google's decision is entirely ethically driven is unclear.
While their parents' attitude to life is anchored by traditions of heritage and faith, the children become increasingly influenced by the changing mores of their generation.
Some decisions should remain morally and personally difficult.
Some decisions should remain morally and personally difficult.