• 遗传重组没有形成交叉情况下,也可以发生

    Genetic recombination can occur without the formation of a chiasmata.


  • 序列排比结果说明淀粉酶基因进化过程中,基因突变遗传重组曾起过作用。

    Comparison of two DNA sequences suggested that both gene mutation and genetic recombination were involved in the divergent evolution process.


  • 证实受体药物MPK活性食欲相关,研究组遗传重组后缺失去组胺受体的小鼠氮平药物。

    To confirm that the histamine receptor connects the drug, AMPK activity and appetite, the team gave clozapine to mice genetically engineered without a histamine receptor.


  • 遗传连锁分析是指通过遗传重组研究染色体结构,定位基因位置确定基因在染色体上的排列顺序

    Genetic analysis of linkage used recombination to analyze the structure of chromosomes, to determine the locations of genes and their linear order along a chromosome.


  • 物种杂交F2群体合子基因型的与一般物种中雌雄个体的减数分裂细胞发生遗传重组的F2群体杂合子表型不同。

    The heterozygote genotypes in F2 population in this type of species are different from those in general species in which the genetic recombination occurs in meiosis of both male and female.


  • 位点专一重组优势就是所有的事。”斯达克同时在调查研究Z FR遗传工程学中的潜力

    "The advantage of a site-specific recombinase is that the enzyme does everything," says Stark, who is also investigating the potential of ZFRs in genetic engineering.


  • 而一旦细胞抗癌防御系统摧毁,遗传混乱就会随之而来,于是又进一步加剧了基因突变的程度,而且染色体中的DNA将产生大规模重组

    Once the cell’s anticancer defenses are destroyed, genetic mayhem ensues, with further mutations and wholesale rearrangements of DNA in the chromosomes.


  • 生命开始使用遗传密码现在核苷酸四个字母64个可能这些遗传字词称为密码子。

    In the genetic code that life has used up to now, there are 64 possible triplet combinations of the four nucleotide letters; these genetic "words" are called codons.


  • 2006年,日本一个研究员宣布他用遗传方法重组老鼠纤维原细胞——一中皮肤细胞——使具有多潜能

    In 2006 a researcher in Japan announced that he'd genetically reprogrammed mouse fibroblasts-a type of skin cell-to make them pluripotent.


  • 畸形新生儿有时重组以及儿童感染性遗传疾病相关

    Birth defects can also be associated with rearrangements, and genetic disease among affected children.


  • 研究对于寻找新的DNA结合蛋白,研究生物体中遗传信息复制转录修复重组分子生物学机制具有重要意义

    This research will facilitate to find new DNA-binding protein, and it is important to reveal the molecular mechanisms of DNA replication and transcription and DNA repair and recombination.


  • 遗传进化分析表明,萝卜分离wrs2MB类群中单独构成一个分支可能MR类群MB类群发生重组后代

    Phylogenetic analysis indicated that a radish isolate WRS2 formed a single branch in MB group, possibly WRS2 was the offspring of a recombination between MR and MB groups.


  • 采用混合分布理论极大似然法拓展了适用于双单倍体群体(DH重组近交系(RIL)群体质量-数量性状遗传分析方法

    Using the mixture distribution model and the method of maximum likelihood, we developed the method for the genetic analysis of qualitative quantitative traits with use of DH and RIL data.


  • 本文在原有遗传算法基础上提出基因库基因重组两个新的概念算法进行了改进

    To bridge the problems, the document refers two new ideas, the gene pool and the gene reorganization, and improves the old algorithm.


  • HIV病毒人类最大遗传变异的病原体,复制性,高突变性,高重组性。

    HIV virus is the largest genetic variation in human pathogens, with a high reproduction, high mutation, the reorganization of the high.


  • 由于遗传资源狭窄有利重组数量受到限制使育种工作进展缓慢甚至停滞不前。

    Because the heredity resources is narrow, the restrict that the quantity of the beneficial reorganization suffer, make the breeding work progress slowly, even bog down.


  • 例如早期经验深刻认识遗传包括重组组建构造工程

    For example, one experience that early on convinced me to seriously consider genetics was a project involving the construction and characterization of a recombinant plasmid.


  • 常用交叉重组技术广义化为多父对角交叉扫描交叉算子,解析地分析了广义交叉算子的遗传漂移现象。

    The common crossover or recombination methods in evolutionary algorithms are generalized as two types of multi-parent recombination operators, that is, diagonal crossover and scan crossover.


  • 因此通过基因重组,在广泛遗传变异中选择子粒秸秆蛋白含量较高组合可能的。

    So, it is possible to select the cross with high protein content in kernel and stalk from materials with wide variance through gene recombination.


  • 遗传结合了重组DNA技术光学技术,细胞生物学研究非常有用

    Optogenetics combines recombinant DNA technology and optic technology, and is very powerful for cell biology research.


  • 结论适用小家资料多位点连锁分析不仅致病基因标记重组遗传距离而且能把致病基因定位遗传标记的一侧

    Conclusions it suit to the small pedigree data. Multipoint linkage analysis can not only calculate the recombination and map distance, but also localize the disease gene to one side of the marker.


  • 结论适用小家资料多位点连锁分析不仅致病基因标记重组遗传距离而且能把致病基因定位遗传标记的一侧

    Conclusions it suit to the small pedigree data. Multipoint linkage analysis can not only calculate the recombination and map distance, but also localize the disease gene to one side of the marker.


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