• 灰色手套礼服

    I was searching for a pair of grey gloves to go with my new gown.


  • 顶帽子正好这件上衣。

    The hat is a match for the coat.


  • 领带适合你,但是认为衬衫

    The tie you're wearing doesn't suit you very well, but it matches your shirt, I think.


  • 可以一份豆腐沙拉皇家喇叭玉米粥。

    You can order a melon duo, tofu salad and grilled royal trumpet mushrooms with polenta.


  • 正在努力成为这个地方市长——镇上最好松脆印尼豆豉色拉白萝卜。

    I'm trying to become the mayor of this place—the best crunchy tempeh salad with daikon in town.


  • 吃完了丰盛早餐,有墨西哥式蛋,一个煎蛋卷切碎蔬菜火腿时候码头

    After a hearty breakfast of huevos rancheros, a spicy omelette with chopped vegetables and ham, it was time to head for the marina.


  • 我们只得药剂师好药

    We had to wait for the pharmacist to make up her prescription.


  • 幅画现在可以装裱了。

    The picture is now ready to be mounted and framed.


  • 需要上衣裙子

    I need a top to go with this skirt.


  • 可以穿件高圆翻领件外衣。

    You can wear a polo neck with that jacket.


  • 行李箱钥匙备用。

    Give me the boot key and I'll get the spare.


  • 警卫城墙巡逻

    Two guards with sidearms patrolled the wall.


  • 这栋大楼

    A new wing was added to the building.


  • 鞍就离开这儿

    I want to be gone from here as soon as we can saddle up.


  • 大多数飞禽都是性的。

    Most birds are monogamous.


  • 毛料上衣真丝长裤质地差异非常有趣。

    A wool jacket complements the silk trousers and provides an interesting contrast in texture.


  • 穿了一长裙粉色轻软舞鞋黑色尼龙袜。

    She wore a long skirt with pink pumps and black nylons.


  • 这些菜肴味道辛辣,宜红葡萄酒不是白葡萄酒

    The spicy flavours in these dishes call for reds rather than whites.


  • 穿着条非常时髦、有女人味的连衣裙小巧首饰

    She is wearing a noticeably stylish, feminine dress, plus discreet jewellery.


  • 休闲星期五穿这件丁尼布工作牛仔裤穿工作衫领带一样

    This denim work shirt is as great with a pair of jeans as it is with a tie on casual Fridays.


  • 然后他们应当能够介绍合适科别的执业医生,不管是全科医师牙医还是镜师

    They should then be able to refer you to the appropriate type of practitioner, whether it be your GP, dentist, or optician.


  • 如果开始呜咽和声

    If he starts to whimper, I'll just harmonize with him.


  • 已经公寓家具了?

    You've already furnished your apartment?


  • 有年轻家庭的 X 世代,比如我和我的妻子,仍然发现相比于为每个家庭成员一部手机,有个座机还是挺方便的。

    Generation Xers with young families, like my wife and I, can still find it convenient to have a home phone rather than providing a mobile phone for every family member.


  • 条裙子上衣挺

    This skirt matches my blouse.


  • 鞋子真的可以衣服

    Shoes can really make your outfit.


  • 请问您的沙拉什么呢?

    What dressing would you like to have with your salad?


  • 给它一个围栏或是一张小,还有玩具点心

    It will need a pen or bed, water, toys and snacks.


  • 花生酱果冻三明治或者水果酸奶做成的奶昔不错选择

    A peanut butter and jelly sandwich or a smoothie made with fruit and yogurt is a good choice.


  • 花生酱果冻三明治或者水果酸奶做成的奶昔不错选择

    A peanut butter and jelly sandwich or a smoothie made with fruit and yogurt is a good choice.


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