Aldosterone secretion is regulated largely at the level of expression of the final enzyme required for its biosynthesis, aldosterone synthase (CYP11B2).
方法:采用梯度PCR对醛固酮合酶基因(CYP11B2)进行扩增,通过凝胶呈像技术判断CYP11 B2基因最佳退火温度。
Methods: Gradient PCR was employed in analysis of aldosterone synthase (CYP11B2) gene polymorphisms, and gel Imaging Technology was used to determine the optimal annealing temperature.
方法:采用梯度PCR对醛固酮合酶基因(CYP11B2)进行扩增,通过凝胶呈像技术判断CYP11 B2基因最佳退火温度。
Methods: Gradient PCR was employed in analysis of aldosterone synthase (CYP11B2) gene polymorphisms, and gel Imaging Technology was used to determine the optimal annealing temperature.