• 我们开始采用面向对象编程技术时的情况开发人员使用面向对象语言开发过程型的程序)十分相似

    This is very similar to the situation we encountered at the beginning of the object-oriented paradigm shift, where developers used object-oriented languages to develop procedural programs.


  • 坚持系统开放性集成性稳定性安全性原则采用流行的面向对象技术多种语言混合编程技术实现。

    The principle of opening, integration, stability, and security of the system is strictly observed because of the adoption object-oriented technology and multi-language programming technology.


  • 面向对象技术采用产生了基于特征地学可视化模型。

    The using of object Orient technology brings Geo-Visualization data model base on characteristic modeling.


  • 采用微机联网紧耦合网络拓扑结构面向对象的框架设计层次化数据分层等技术提高系统仿真实时性开放性

    Adopting high coupling PC network, hierarchical data structure and object oriented design techniques, we can enhance the performance of simulation system in real time and openness.


  • CORBA核心技术采用多层分布式体系结构面向对象设计

    It takes CORBA as the core technique, adopts multi-layer distribution system structure and the design facing to the object.


  • 阐述一个采用面向对象技术设计刺绣CAD系统方法

    This paper presents a method of designing embroidery CAD system by using object-oriented technique.


  • 同时采用面向对象开发技术,对用电管理工作中的业务管理系统进行了研究设计

    At the same time, the object oriented development techniques are adopted in the study and design of management system of power consumption business.


  • 文章重点介绍采用面向对象串行化技术实现模糊知识库方法

    This paper introduces the method employing the oriented object serialization technology to realize the fuzzy knowledge base mainly.


  • 研究了CAD零件信息数字化装配系统信息转换方法采用面向对象技术实现了产品的装配建模。

    Information transformation technology from CAD system to digital assembly system was studied, and the product assembly model was built by using object-oriented method.


  • 采用面向对象技术描述机翼装配信息建立统一机翼装配阶层结构

    Describes the assembly information of aircraft wing using Object-Oriented method, and establishes a uniform wing assembly hierarchical tree structure.


  • 采用面向对象编程技术实现了通用性强可视化建模工具解决多层网络的建模难题

    Then by means of object oriented programming, we implemented the visual, general modeling tool, which solve the modeling problem of multi layer network.


  • 采用面向对象数据库技术建造了类型浇口位置咨询专家系统

    A consultation expert system about the gate's type and location is built by the method of Object-Oriented database technology.


  • 统一建模语言逐渐成为基于面向对象开发方法主要建模技术DMMT方法采用而成为主要的建模手段

    Unified modeling Language (UML) has been a primary modeling technology based on object-oriented development method, and been adopted by DMMT as a primary modeling method.


  • 采用先进开发平台工具,以及面向对象可视化编程技术开发完成了冯家山水库洪水预报调度系统

    Fengjiashan reservoir flood forecasting and dispatching system is developed by using the advanced developing platform and tools, together with the object-oriented and visual programming technique.


  • 本文基于图形数据一体化维护方式采用面向对象技术,实现了一个适用交直流系统的维护系统。

    Based on a graph-model-database integration maintenance mode, with object-oriented technology, a maintenance system applied in the AC and DC system is developed in this thesis.


  • 采用面向对象技术动态连接形式开发开放式数控系统基本构造单元—软件功能模块

    Software modules in the form of Dynamically Linked Library using object-oriented program technology are design, which are the basic system components.


  • 方案突出特点采用面向对象的“1 +N技术功能级冗余,从而提高了系统可靠性

    The outstanding feature of the proposed scheme is its object-oriented "1 + n" multi-redundancy and process-level redundancy technology, which improves system reliability.


  • 系统采用面向对象编程技术利用可视化程序设计语言实现

    This system adopts the object-oriented programming technique realized by visual programming language.


  • 地理数据访问对象方面,介绍采用面向对象技术设计实现地理数据访问

    In the case of geographic data access objects, the paper illustrates the geographic data access class realized by oriented-object technology.


  • 软件采用面向对象技术使系统模块化通用性强大大方便了软件调试维护

    The related software USES object-oriented technology, which makes the modularization and generality of whole system better. Debugging and maintenance of software become convenient greatly.


  • 并以电子产品加工行业采用面向对象建模技术进行了分析设计简要介绍系统特点

    As a example about the Manufacture of the electronic products, we use OMT to analyze and design it. Also, we introduce the characters of this system.


  • 以此算法基础,基于MSTCAD平台采用面向对象编程技术编制了空间结构施工过程仿真分析程序模块

    Based on this method and adopts object-oriented programming technique, an emulator program module for construction process analysis of space structure is developed on the platform of MSTCAD.


  • 采用内嵌CAD面向对象有限元设计方法可以好地把有限元科学计算后处理技术结合起来。

    The imbedded CAD object oriented finite element method proposed in this paper can combine the finite element analysis with pre processing and the post processing well.


  • 本文介绍采用面向对象技术文本窗口数据库管理技术,利用VB语言开发的视窗化的中小型异步电机型式试验计算系统

    The paper introduces the type test computation system for small and medium asynchronous motor by using object oriented technology, multi text window, database management technology and VB language.


  • 整个软件系统设计采用面向对象技术,对端口直接读写有效封装D O S 通信代码缩短开发周期

    The whole system is designed to write and read LPTX port directly and to encapsulate effectively DOS code based on OOP techniques, thus shortens development period.


  • 文章给出了总体目标图,分析了三种内核设计技术采用面向对象技术进行部件系统内核设计

    Three methods of core designing were introduced, then the author designed the system core composed of components with the help of Object Orient technology.


  • 采用面向对象编程技术向量矩阵运算的封装技术结构化存储复合文档软件实现技术

    Some software implementation technology is adopted, such as object oriented programming technology, vector matrix encapsulation technology, structured storage and compound file technology, and so on.


  • 采用面向对象编程技术,以VB为设计平台开发出“输电线路钢管cad系统STPCAD1。0”。

    Based on the object oriented technology on VB platform, the CAD system STPCAD1.0 of steel transmission pole has been developed.


  • 采用面向对象编程技术,以VB为设计平台开发出“输电线路钢管cad系统STPCAD1。0”。

    Based on the object oriented technology on VB platform, the CAD system STPCAD1.0 of steel transmission pole has been developed.


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