• 再切削公差常规重叠

    Tolerance for remachining and constant overlap.......


  • 结果表明同属不同植物指纹重叠八强相同

    The results point out that the fingerprint spectrum, overlap ratio and eight strong peaks are different from each other in various species of the same genus.


  • 目的探讨重叠植物以及植物提取物指纹谱研究中的地位和应用

    AIM: to discuss the application of overlapping ratio to the fingerprints of plant and plant extract.


  • 最后模型模型间进行重叠率衡量分层区域融合,以得到最终的图像分割结果

    Finally, we measure the Overlaprate for a hierarchical region merging and get the final result.


  • 使用重叠边界位置评价方法分割结果放射科医生手工勾画边界作比较。

    The segmentation result and radiology doctor manually outline the boundary has made the comparison, used overlapping rate and the boundary position appraisal method.


  • 采用双螺旋线提高连接强度减少重叠使之小于50%,从而达到成本低

    The double spiral wire solders are adopted to improve the connecting strength and reduce the overlapping coefficient to less than 50 percent, thereby reducing the cost.


  • 研究结果表明工件加工速度随着分层厚度增加增加,随着轨迹重叠的增加而减小

    Experimental results show that the material remove rate(MRR) increases with the increase of laminated depth and decreases with the increase of tool path overlap ratio.


  • 结果以圆形阻射光斑确定机械耳点与解剖耳点的重叠分别为30 %和6 8%。

    Results The rates of superposition of Po-a and Pom determined by two different methods were 30% and 68%, respectively.


  • 汉市的大部分奥林匹克公园重叠就业处于伦敦最低,一直徘徊平均水平以下十几个百分点(图表)。

    Newham, the borough which overlaps most with the Olympic Park, has London's lowest employment rate, stubbornly around a dozen percentage points below the average (see chart).


  • 假如物美商业与时代零售合并,它们的业务很少有地域上重叠不过物美商业的利润可能会小幅下滑。物美商业的毛利润时代零售

    A Wumart-Times tie-up would result in little geographic overlap, though Wumart might see a dip in its gross profit margins, which are higher than those of Times.


  • 一点可以通过梯度分析来得到证明,梯分析重点在于物种分布重叠区域。

    This can be demonstrated through gradient analysis, which focuses on the overlapping distributions of individual species.


  • 通过有限元数值模拟实验,研究了重叠量对制品品质影响及其规律。

    The influences of expanding-ratio and overlap-length on the quality of finished product was analyzed systematically by elastic-plastic FEM and expanding experiments.


  • 抑郁焦虑障碍临床上常见两种疾病,两者之间症状具有重叠性,共病很高

    The depressive and anxiety disorder was very common in our clinical work, the symptoms have overlap and the rate of comorbidity was very high.


  • 为了增大头盔显示器双目显示视域又不降低图象分辨本文选用双视觉的局部重叠视域。

    To increase the total field of view of binocular displays without sacrificing image resolution, have opted to partially overlap the fields of the two oculars in this paper.


  • 介绍了利用PND测井资料进行气层识别方法利用探测器计数探测器计数一定比例进行重叠的方法识别气层

    The method for recognizing gas zone with PND logging data is introduced, which is to overlap the counting rates of a near detector and a far one to recognize gas zone based on certain scale.


  • 更正长股票名称报酬重叠问题

    Fix stock name and reward label overlay issue.


  • 人类基因组计划是将人类的基因组DNA序列分为大小为150-200碱基片段装载到定位重叠细菌克隆中,力求每个克隆序列的准确大于99.9%。

    For Human Genome Project planning digested human gene DNA sequence into many 150-200bp fragments, and reconstructed into the germ clone and to be sure the accuracy is over 99.9%.


  • 这个重叠提供了非常分辨图像数据失真非常因为是从形式转换另一个

    This overlapping provides very high resolution and the data from the image is very resistant to distortion as it's translated from one form to another.


  • 判别距阵显示符合萎缩性胃炎为51%,浅表性胃炎为75.8%,而浅表-萎缩性13%,表明后者具有很高的重叠性。

    The conformable rate in discriminant matrix of atrophic gastritis was 51 %, and 75.8% in superficial gastritis, but only 13% in superficial-atrophic gastritis.


  • 重叠感染较单个感染更易发生肝硬化重症肝炎死亡更高

    Than a single super-infection and more susceptible to infection with severe liver cirrhosis and hepatitis, a higher mortality rate.


  • 假如物美商业与时代零售合并它们的业务很少地域上重叠不过物美商业的利润可能会小幅下滑。物美商业的毛利润时代零售

    Wumart-Times tie-up would result in little geographic overlap, though Wumart might see a dip in its gross profit margins, which are higher than those of Times.


  • 提出水平演化监督分辨影像分割模型,避免传统多水平集方法中的区域重叠问题。

    The paper presents an unsupervised segmentation model based on multiple level sets evolution for high resolution satellite imagery.


  • 乙型肝炎病毒其他肝炎病毒重叠感染单纯感染比较死亡显著差异

    There was no significant difference between the fatality rate of patients with single infection of HBV and that of patients with multiple infection of HBV and other type hepatitis virus.


  • 结果经临床观察、对照分析,发现重叠HEV感染慢性乙肝患者的重型肝炎发生和慢性乙肝重度发生高。

    Results When chronic hepatitis B patients were superinfected by HEV, the incidence rate of hepatitis gravis and severe hepatitis was higher.


  • 兰达·布莱尔MBA,CEAP,布莱尔咨询公司总裁公司专注员工个人困扰雇主生产问题相互重叠领域

    Brenda R. Blair, MBA, CEAP, is President of Blair consulting Group, Inc., a consulting firm focused on areas where employee personal concerns and employer productivity concerns overlap.


  • 利用三色光片透射光谱重叠性质液晶非线性可以减少激光下彩色液晶电视的分辨的下降。

    It is possible to reduce the loss of spatial resolution by virtue of the spectrum coincidance of the filters and the non linearity of liquid crystal. It is also observ


  • 利用三色光片透射光谱重叠性质液晶非线性可以减少激光下彩色液晶电视的分辨的下降。

    It is possible to reduce the loss of spatial resolution by virtue of the spectrum coincidance of the filters and the non linearity of liquid crystal. It is also observ


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