If Andrew brushes someone else's teeth beside his own, then it would be very important to let your listeners know that by stressing whose teeth he brushes.
However, if others benefit in the process, and I get some reward too, does it really matter where my motivation lies?
Above all, aim for things that are truly important to you, not what you think you ought to do or what others expect of you.
Even if other people didn't notice it, it mattered to him that his work should be of the best quality.
Like Picasso, narcissists often rise to positions of importance in art, business, and other endeavors, suggesting that they have ability and ideas that others do not.
Don't rely on your host or anyone else to back up your important data.
You should try to educate the others in the techniques that you're using and just as important find out what they're trying to accomplish.
Even if others don't respect your decision it is important that you do.
Even if others don’t respect your decision it is important that you do.
Humans do have some important abilities, including the capacity to observe regularities in nature, and to communicate with others.
Yet these anxieties should not distract us from a second, more important, cleavage in American society—the one between college graduates and everyone else.
You can have your life many things you do that are important and could affect other but that doesn't mean you have to love.
Some insist that health plays a more important role in our life, while others see more advantages arising from wealth.
For really important decisions that involve another, one person can set a few basic requirements and let the other person make the decision as long as it satisfies those requirements.
It's important to be a good listener and encourage the other person to talk and open up, but you also want to talk and open up yourself.
You'll be more tired, significant others will be more tired.
It's a feeling that can trip us up, cause us to overlook other, equally important traits that make for a great relationship, and to make poor choices in mates.
He has the courage, quickness and depth to hit the big threes that spread the floor for Nowitzki and others.
To truly harden a system using Web services, you need to perform several important security steps (recommended by Gartner and others), including
Throughout my career I have viewed my job as helping others reach the best decisions about things we all thought were important, not jamming my ideas through.
That said, I’m sure the systems work for the others – the key here is to use whatever works best for you.
In life, everybody has their moments of glory although they may go unnoticed like the accompanist. This does not mean, however, that they are any less important than anyone else.
Henry James did write all of his own works, because nobody else could be that boring, and, more significant, no one else has ever bothered to claim them.
Because mailroom staff saw every piece of mail and other important information they often knew what was happening better than anyone else.
Social skills are vital, because our greatest victories and most sobering defeats will be with and through other people.
However, to be effective, the members of our community must engage on this issue, understand the importance of our licensing philosophy, and promote that philosophy to others.
Of great importance is to use the opportunities you are given to help others find their own.
Of great importance is to use the opportunities you are given to help others find their own.